Stories about Singapore from July, 2008
Singapore: Negative outcome of organ trade
A Singapore blogger lists the possible negative outcomes if organ trading is to be legalized in the world
Singapore: Should government legalize organ trade?
An important debate is raging in Singapore: Should government legalize organ trade? Health officials, medical specialists and bloggers are exchanging views about the issue.
Singapore: Legalizing organ trade
The issue of organ trade is being discussed intently in Singapore. thinks that implementing an organ trade legal framework can benefit organ donors and recipients alike.
Child-rearing in Singapore
Wind in my head criticizes the kind of child-rearing in Singapore
Singapore: Audio books
priscilla's world who is based in Singapore shares her fondness for audio books
Singapore: Babies and economic choice
Having another baby should be more than just an economic and monetary issue, insists Lucian from Singapore.
Singapore: Destroy a landmark to build a train station?
Yuhui rejects the decision of the Singapore government to demolish a historic building so that it can build a new train station.
Different types of durian
Agnes Tan from Singapore lists the different types of durian. Filipinos describe durian in this way: “It smells like hell but tastes like heaven.”
Southeast Asia: Largest oceanariums
Bisean lists the largest oceanariums in Southeast Asia.
China and Singapore: Illegal Baby
Will blogs about his experience in getting his new born baby a Singaporean passport.
Southeast Asia: Alternative sources of energy
Due to skyrocketing oil prices, many Southeast Asian countries are intensifying efforts to tap alternative sources of energy. Lifestyles are changing since people are now more aware about the oil price crisis.
Singapore Food Festival 2008
Singapura Daily Makan Photo and Surfaceglitter attended the press conference of the Singapore Food Festival 2008.