Stories about Singapore from October, 2013
Singapore Rejects Proposal to Define Poverty Line
Singapore "is known for defining everything" including "the exact number of people that constitutes an unlawful assembly." But surprisingly, the richest country in the world has not yet defined poverty
Too Many Universities in Singapore?
Limpeh noted the proliferation of higher education institutions in Singapore. Is this good or bad for Singapore? …has this expansion in choices been at the wrong end of the market?...
Singapore’s Tuition Craze
Private tuition or tutoring centers are proliferating in Singapore as parents continue to spend more money to improve the education of their children. Is this good or bad?
Malaysian Communist Leader Chin Peng: Hero or Terrorist?
Malaysian independence fighter and communist leader Chin Peng died in Bangkok last month but his wish for his ashes to be returned home was rejected by the Malaysian government
What Singapore Can Learn from Myanmar
Democracy icon Suu Kyi says rich Singapore can learn from Myanmar's 'relaxed way of life' and 'warmer and closer relationships'.