· June, 2009

Stories about Bangladesh from June, 2009

Bangladesh: Sacking Of Army Officers

  29 June 2009

Unheard Voice blog discusses the sacking of seven army officers in Bangladesh and comments: “If army is not kept above political partisanship or at the least not perceived to be...

India: When Diplomats Show Arrogance

  22 June 2009

The New Horizon criticizes the comments of Pinak Chakravarty, the Indian ambassador to Bangladesh, on the Tipaimukh Dam. The Indian blogger opines: “I think it is part (of) Indian policy...

Bangladesh: Back From No Wo/man's Land

  19 June 2009

Renowned photojournalist and blogger Shahidul Alam, who was arrested by Indian border guards first and later by Bangladesh police, has been released on bail and has written in his blog...

Bangladesh: Daylight Saving Time

  18 June 2009

The Bangladesh government has decided to implement daylight savings for the first time starting midnight on Friday, June 19, 2009. Expat blogger Estelle Visagie wonders how the people of Bangladesh...

Bangladesh: Helping The Cyclone Aila Victims

  11 June 2009

The Humanitarian Chronicle posts a personal journal of Nancy E. Smith of Humedica Bangladesh Team who describes the relief efforts conducted towards the Cyclone Aila victims in Southern Bangladesh. More...

Bangladesh: LGBT News

  3 June 2009

Tanvir Alim at LGBTI Bangladesh blog, a source of information about the LGBT scene in Bangladesh, writes about the observation of the International day against Homophobia and Trans phobia in...