Stories about Bangladesh from March, 2006
Bangladesh: Elections
Salam Dhaka muses on election time decisions. On what basis is the government judged, and what cards are played to maximum effect?
Bangladesh: The Millionaires
imperct world 2006 on the changing perception of Bangladeshi Diaspora in the UK.
Bangladesh Blog Buzz:
What the Bangladeshi blogs around the world are saying:
Bangladesh: Remembering Pakistan
imperfect world 2006 on democracy in Pakistan on the occassion of Bangladesh's Independence Day – “Today, Bangladesh’s independence day, should be remembered by Pakistanis as their greatest democratic interlude. This...
Bangladesh: Porn and faith
imperfect world 2006 on pornography being available near Dhaka's landmark mosque.
Jamaica: Commonwealth Games
Leon wonders why the 18th Commonwealth Games aren't getting more media attention. “Is it because the mighty U.S is not involved, since the Commonwealth games only include former territories of...
Bangladesh: Forced Marriages
imperfect world 2006 brings to light a case study on forced marriages in the context of UK. – “The UK government is currently injecting some energy in bringing to light...
Bangladesh: Affinity credit card
Drishtipat Group Blog on an affinity Credit Card for Bangladesh – “Each time a consumer uses the affinity card for a purchase, a balance transfer or a cash advance, the...
Commonwealth Games
Regan liveblogs the Opening Ceremony of the Commonwealth Games, which took place last night in Melbourne, Australia.
Bangladesh: Tagore in a podcast
Bongo Vongo presents podcasts of Rabindranath Tagore's work -“This first of that series is from a collection of his short stories which were published in the west around 1916 and...
Bangladesh: Migrant Labour
imperfect world 2006 on Bangladeshi migrant labour, with a feature on a person who worked in Jordan. – “It is the only good memory he holds of Jordan despite the...
Bangladesh: Farakka Barrage
Razib has a post based on another article on the very delicate issue of the Farakka Barrage, and water politics between India and Bangladesh.
Bangladesh: Advertising Blues
Bangladesh: Advertising Blues
South Asia: Multiculturalism
South Asia: Multiculturalism
Bangladesh: Abdur Rahman
Bangladesh: Abdur Rahman