· January, 2010

Stories about Bangladesh from January, 2010

Bangladesh: A Trial Ends After 34 Years – Closure At Last?

  29 January 2010

Bangladesh authorities executed five ex-army officers for their role in the 1975 assassination of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman - the country's independence leader and its first President. Bloggers share their reactions on the long awaited trial and the method of punishment.

Bangla blogs: Grieving for Haiti and Lessons Learned

  19 January 2010

As Haiti struggles in the aftermath of the devastating earthquake that has brought in its wake unimaginable loss to life, property and infrastructure, Bangla bloggers have joined the rest of the world in grieving for Haiti and gearing up to lend a helping hand.

Bangladesh: Cold Wave

  13 January 2010

Bangladesh is experiencing a cold wave which is bringing the temperature down to less then 10 degrees Celsius. Fahad at Finding Myself is thankful to God for being blessed with...

Bangladesh: Living Dangerously

  12 January 2010

Asif Saleh and Jyoti Rahman at Unheard Voice criticizes the actions of India’s trigger happy Border Security Force (BSF), who are responsible for a number of death of Bangladeshis each...

Bnagladesh: Secularism And Constitution

  6 January 2010

Bangladesh has proceeded to annul the fifth amendment to the constitution, which will lead to the ban of religion-based politics in the country. Indus Asia Online Journal (iaoj) commented that...

Bangladesh: Blogger Exposes Yellow Journalism

  1 January 2010

Bangladeshi blogger Akashlal Roy exposes yellow journalism of the Daily Jugantor, a Bangla daily which lifted a Facebook photo (added about a month ago) to depict an young girl drinking...