· February, 2008

Stories about Bangladesh from February, 2008

South Asia: Decline Scenario

  27 February 2008

Chapati Mystery on the idea of “decline scenario” in interpreting history – implying that South Asia was already in decline before colonization.

South Asia: Managing urban growth

  20 February 2008

Development Industry on manging urban growth in South Asia – given that estimates suggest where over a third of the people live in urban areas.

Bangladesh: Hatered and a website

  19 February 2008

Voice of South on a A Saudi-based website, aiming to stir hatred against 1.2 million Bangladeshis working in the oil-rich Saudi Arabia.

Come Explore New Videos at Rising Voices

  2 February 2008

The first round of Rising Voices outreach projects have already been training participants in underrepresented communities how to use the tools of citizen media for just over seven months now. Many of the projects are taking their media production skills to the next level by using Windows Movie Maker to produce short video documentaries that reveal the realities of the communities where they live.