Stories about Bangladesh from May, 2005
Tuesday Global Blog Roundup
East Asia China Daily runs a USA Today article about a Chinese knock-off of American Idol, but, as Asiapundit points out, forgets to remove an embarrassing bit of copy. CSR...
Thursday World Blog Roundup
Africa: Picture via Sotho, drawn by 13-year old McGlen of Johannesburg, South Africa. He wants to be a veterinarian. Courtesy Creative Connections. Thinkers Room says it shouldn't be this hard....
Wednesday World Blog Roundup
Africa: Congrats to Jewels in the Jungle on the first anniversary of this excellent African issues blog. Jewels is running a great series of photos of Ugandan schoolchildren by photographer...
Monday World Blog Roundup
Middle East: Woodstock in the sand dunes? Chan'ad Bahraini has a long report and many photos on a large and peaceful protest in Bahrain demanding constitutional reform. (No sign of...