· November, 2006

Stories about Bangladesh from November, 2006

Bangladesh: Islam and Iraq

  30 November 2006

Or how I learned to stop worrying on a Muslim reaction to the situation in Iraq. “Who says that Muslims, just like everyone of good conscience, are not horrified by...

Bangladesh: Take Back Bangladesh

  30 November 2006

drishtipat on a concert called Take Back Bangladesh. “The idea behind Take Back Bangladesh is to reconnect the people, especially the younger generation, who are turned off by politics as...

Bangladesh: Names, caste and family

  29 November 2006

What's in a name? At the Bangladeshi LJ community, a member writes about experiences with caste, name and marriage. “The question here is, how do the majority of this generation...

Bangladesh: Family in the country

27 November 2006

Andrew Morris on family in Bangladesh and UK. “It never ceases to amaze me here that ‘family members’ can travel across the country, turn up unannounced at a relative's home,...

Bangladesh: In Pictures

  22 November 2006

Bangladesh is going through a difficult time. Elections around the corner, discussions on authority and the state. Drishtipat puts together a series of photographs that quite well encapsulate the current...

Bangladesh: The Constitution

  21 November 2006

Salam Dhaka on the tense political situation in Bangladesh and a brief look at the constitution. ” Yesterday, out of sheer frustration, I read our constitution. I stopped half-way because...

Bangladesh: The Voters List

  20 November 2006

Drishtipat on the issue of voters list for elections in Bangladesh – providing a chronology of events and process. “Throughout the process described above, there is clear evidence of bias...

South Asia: Tasers and students in UCLA

  18 November 2006

An Iranian-American student at UCLA was repeatedly shot with a taser for passively resisting arrest. Sepia Mutiny has more – with a video shot by an eye-witness, who uploaded it...

Bangladesh: Class struggle

  18 November 2006

morris the pen on education and children in Bangladesh, questioning methods that don't really appear to add value to the process. “Perhaps the biggest problem in our education practice here,...

Voices from South Asia

  13 November 2006

Bangladesh: Asif of Unheard Voices: Drishtipat Group Blog analyzes the current political situation in Bangladesh and urges all the Bangladeshis to take a non-partisan moral stand to get out of...

Bangladesh blog buzz

  7 November 2006

Here are the latest buzz from blogs on Bangladesh: * Diaspora: Zubaer in Drishtipat blog gives an insight into the Bangladeshi Diaspora worldwide and how their remittances are contributing to...