Stories about Bangladesh from December, 2010
Pakistan: Recognition For BRAC Bangladesh
Bangladeshi non-profit BRAC's humanitarian efforts in Pakistan received recognition in the form of an award and a public display of appreciation by the people of Mohibanda village in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province.
South Asia: Looking Back at the Citizen Media Storylines in 2010
You cannot leave South Asia region out of the picture as with nearly twenty three percent of the world's population, events in this region exert an enormous impact on the international system. Global Voices covered some of these events from a citizen media perspective. Let us review the popular posts of 2010 in this region.
Bangladesh: Pitha-Pulis As Bengali Christmas Culinary Tradition
Bangladesh, Canada And Beyond shares pictures of the Bengali culinary tradition pitha pulis (rice powder cakes and pastries) which were adopted by the Christians in Bangladesh and West Bengal in...
Bangladesh: Integrity Of Judiciary Questioned
Rumi at In The Middle Of Nowhere accuses the judiciary of Bangladesh as corrupt and Partisan.
Bangladesh: The Finance Bubble – Will it Burst?
J. Rahman at Mukti observes the sharp twists and turns of the Bangladesh stock market and comments on the country's monetory policy.
Bangladesh: Power Crisis – Facts and Figures
Jyoti Rahman at Drishtipat Writers’ Collective offers some facts and figures pertaining to the ongoing power crisis in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh:Discussing the Controversy Surrounding Dr.Yunus
Badrud Doza, on his blog An Ordinary Citizen, discusses the recent controversy surrounding Dr. Yunus – Nobel laureate and founder of Grameen Bank.
Bangladesh: Marginalizing the Benarasi Weavers
Tithe Farhana, in a guest post in Pickled Politics, highlights the problems of the Benarasi weaving industry in Bangladesh and points out that the Benarasi Weavers continue to be seen...
Bangladesh: Artificial Kidney – A Rare Feat
Unheard Voice blog informs that “Shuvo Roy, a Bangladeshi scientist at the University of California, San Francisco, has developed the world’s first artificial, implantable kidney.”
Bangladesh: The Real Crowd
Jerome at Bangladesh, Canada And Beyond explains with pictures what is meant as “crowd” in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh: The Trigger Happy Indian BSF Exposed
Jyoti at Unheard Voice highlights the recently published report of Human Rights Watch chronicling the situation on the India Bangladesh border. The report documents indiscriminate killing and torture by India’s...
Bangladesh: The Judiciary And The Parliament
“In Bangladesh, among the three pillars of the State, undoubtedly Parliament has become the most weakest, largely because it had acted as rubber stamp for the people in power- either...
Bangladesh: On US, Where Liberty Is A Statue
“It is about time the Statue of Liberty started minding its own business and oiling its own recession-afflicted machine,” comments Maskawaith Ahsan at E-Bangladesh while discussing contemporary issues like Wikileaks...
India: No Muharram In Kashmir
Zafar Mehdi informs at Kafila that “The peaceful processions on 8 and 10 Muharram have been banned in Kashmir since the outbreak of insurgency in 1989.”
Bangladesh: The Politics Of Hartal
An Ordinary Citizen writes about the politics of Hartal (general strike) in Bangladesh and how it affects the citizens.
Bangladesh: Some Questions On Grameen and Yunus Scandal
Shafiur at imperfect|world|2010 lists a set of unanswered questions regarding the fund shuffling scandal of Grameen Bank and the accusations against its founder Dr. Muhammad Yunus.
Bangladesh: Grameengate And Beyond
The hottest topic in Bangladesh now is the allegation against Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus of diverting foreign aid from Grameen Bank to another sister company called Grameen Kalyan. An investigative documentary was aired in a Norwegian Television and local media jumped on this story. The bloggers are divided on this issue.
Bangladesh: Tax And Public Service
Ekram Kabir at Kotha-Chhilo narrates about the poor public service of Bangladesh and the amount of tax citizens have to pay.