· August, 2010

Stories about South Korea from August, 2010

South Korea: Civil Service Exams Removed, Years of Studies Wasted?

  23 August 2010

Many South Koreans are angry over a government's decision to replace the civil service exam with open recruitment. The exam has been praised for giving equal opportunities to applicants regardless of their education and family background. The online space is exploding with enraged bloggers' condemnations of the reform as a way of stalling the nation’s already flatlining social mobility.

South Korea: Shrewder Commercials As Viewers Get Smarter

  17 August 2010

In South Korea, an indirect type of commercial was apppeared in the country's largest network's prime time news. It was a netizen who caught it, proving once again that the internet user groups are not gullible enough to eat up the reality traditional media project.

China: Visa tales

  8 August 2010

With all the economic growth in China over the past few decades and a growing number of global travelers to match, have visa requirements for Chinese citizens been adapting in step? Well-heeled journalist Chen Zikun shares his experiences, see if or how any of them compare to yours.