Latest posts by Mong Palatino from February, 2017
Why Singapore Changed the Name of Its New World War II Exhibition
"We must honor and respect the feelings of those who suffered terribly and lost family members during the Japanese Occupation," said the country's minister for communications and information.
Thousands Joined ‘Walk for Life’ to Protest Extrajudicial Killings and Revival of Death Penalty in the Philippines
"If the response to violence is also violence, we double the violence. We should match it with non-violence."
Here Are Some of the Southeast Asian Artifacts in the Met Museum's Public Domain Collection
"Since our audience is really the three billion internet-connected individuals around the world, we need to think big about how to reach these viewers..."
Thai Media Groups Say Proposed Law Could Bring Total Government Control of the Press
"Government presence on a press panel and licensing of journalists are never part of a free press."