Latest posts by Mong Palatino from May, 2012
Philippines: Budget Transparency Portal
The Philippine government has recently launched the Budget ng Bayan website to promote transparency and good governance in the country. Budget documents and state expenditures are uploaded in the site.
Singapore: Food Bloggers’ Portal
Opinioneated is an “interactive map of where to eat in Singapore, based on the reviews of popular food bloggers.”
Malaysia: Petition for Free and Fair Access to Media
Bersih, an election reform movement in Malaysia, identifies key reforms that the government can implement to ensure free and fair access to media during elections
Philippines, China: Scarborough Shoal Dispute Goes Online
Tension rose in the past month between the Philippines and China when the governments of the two nations accused each other of illegally occupying the territorial waters near the disputed Scarborough Shoal. It sparked nationalist sentiments in both countries and the ‘word war’ has gone online.
Thailand: Red Shirts Back in the Streets
Tens of thousands of Red Shirt protesters commemorated the second anniversary of the army and police crackdown on anti-government protesters in central Bangkok.
Cambodia: Teenager Killed During Eviction
A 14-year old girl was killed when police forces evicted a rural village in Cambodia. The case highlights the growing land disputes in the country and the use of violence...
Southeast Asia: ASEAN Committee on Consumer Protection Website
The Association of Southeast Asian Nations committee on consumer protection has launched a website to inform consumers in the region regarding banned or recalled products.
Vietnam: State of E-Commerce
Chip 2.0 writes about the slow development of e-commerce in Vietnam
Thailand: Minimum Wage and Cost of Living
Bangkok Pundit translates survey reports on the minimum wage and cost of living conditions in Thailand
‘What’s Eating Singapore’ Data Visualizer
Singapore's Health Promotion Board uses the What’s Eating Singapore? data visualizer to survey the five most popular foods in Singapore based on social media posts. It's updated every three days....
Singapore: Birth Control and Low Crime Rate
Furry Brown Dog tries to determine if Singapore's birth control policies in the 1970s are also responsible for the country's low crime rates.
Singapore: Population, Migration, and Women
Syahidah Ismail provides an overview of various issues faced by Singapore women in the past half century. The author discussed some of the controversial population and migration policies adopted by...
Singapore: Remembering the 1987 ‘Marxist Conspiracy’
Several Singaporean groups will commemorate the 25th anniversary of a government crackdown of suspected destabilizers in Singapore. They are accused of being part of a ‘Marxist Conspiracy.’ Human rights groups...
Cambodia Gay Pride Week 2012
Cambodia Gay Pride Week 2012 will take place on May 11 until May 20. Some of the activities include film screenings, parties, Buddhist blessings, and the first Cambodia Pride Amazing...
Thailand: Grandfather Jailed for Lese Majeste Dies
Amphon Tangnoppakul, the 62-year-old Thai jailed for Lese Majeste (royal insult), died in prison today. His 20-year jail sentence was criticized by human rights advocates who are also demanding an...
Laos: Luang Prabang Airport
Sao Darly posts photos and a video clip of the new airport of Luang Prabang in Laos
East Timor: Government Results Portal
East Timor Government Results Portal is a website that aims to publish outcomes information for the most important government targets, projects and programs. It is part of the government's transparency...
Brunei: Decreasing Population Growth
Emmagoodegg discusses Brunei's decreasing birth rate and shares some of the funny suggestions made by netizens on how to increase the country's population
Vietnam: Restrictive New Internet Policy
Duy Hoang, Angelina Huynh, and Trinh Nguyen summarize Vietnam's new internet policy which is expected to be announced by the government next month. The authors warned that the policy will...
Philippines: Discussion About K-12 Education Reform
Angel de Dios compiles articles and commentaries on the proposed K-12 education reform in the Philippines. The government plans to add two more years in the basic education cycle aside...
Indonesia: Documenting HIV/AIDS in Papua
Against All Odds is a Tumblr blog of Andri Tambunan who has been documenting the HIV/AIDS epidemic among indigenous Papuans in Indonesia.