Latest posts by Mong Palatino from January, 2017
Myanmar Activists Say Junta-Era Defamation Law Must Go
"It is not appropriate that a citizen who criticises someone more powerful should face legal action of this kind."
The Day Bangkok and Other Thai Provinces Turned Green on Google Maps
"When did we get so many forests in Bangkok?", asked a Twitter user.
Filipino Farmers and Activists March for Justice and ‘La La Land Reform’
'Stop killing peasants who feed the nation,' reads one banner during the January 20 march organized by peasant groups and activists in the Philippines.
Thai Junta Didn’t See the Irony of Installing Dinosaurs in Front of the Government House
"So many dinosaurs are at government house...a few are even seen outside."
Thai Army Invites Children to Play with Real Guns, Tanks and Assault Helicopters
"[We're] familiarizing them with soldiers and weaponry. By familiarizing them, they learn to love soldiers and even become soldiers."
Nickelodeon Won’t Get Its Underwater Theme Park in the Philippines, If Environmentalists Have Their Say
"For a channel that targets children, Nickelodeon is setting a terrible example to the younger generation by taking away their right to enjoy our natural resources," says one critic.
Singapore's Prime Minister Leads Netizens in Expressing Gratitude for Foreign Workers
Local observers argue that real policies to protect migrant workers' rights are still absent in the wealthy Asian city state, however.