Latest posts by Mong Palatino from November, 2022
Released foreigners share their prison experiences in Myanmar
"I'd like to emphasize the fact the most vulnerable have been victimized by the military, which is still going on."
Australia’s World Cup team urges better treatment of migrants and LGBTQ+ individuals in Qatar
Australian football players participating in the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar have released a powerful video highlighting human rights abuses for workers and the LGBTQ+ community in the host country
Thousands mourn the death of West Papua independence activist Filep Karma
"He was first of all a frontline leader, present at every single protest, reassuring and inspiring all West Papuans who marched or prayed with him."
Guns and Kung Fu: Australia and China help militarize the Solomon Islands’ police force
"In these times of hyper-geopolitical competition, the arming of police forces with assault weapons could result in dangerous outcomes in the future."
‘Stop the Killing’ campaign seeks to abolish the death penalty in Singapore
"The death penalty has no place in a caring and just society, which many Singaporeans desire."