Latest posts by Mong Palatino from March, 2023
Micronesia’s president accuses China of bribery and ‘political warfare’
"What else do you call it when an elected official is given an envelope filled with money after a meal at the PRC Embassy or after an inauguration?"
How Vietnam’s state trolls are undermining free speech and democracy
"We urge Meta to cross check systematically all reporting on human rights NGOs pages such as Viet Tan to avoid falling in trolls’ trap."
Malaysian police probe women’s march organizers for pro-LGBTQ+ posters
"In the last 3 years, there has been a resounding lack of movement by our government to protect and preserve the rights of women and other marginalised genders."
Filipino drivers hold jeepney strike against the government’s phaseout plan
"The fight of drivers and operators also belongs to the people. Drivers will have no jeepneys to use. Millions will have to endure the lack of access to affordable transportation.
Pacific voices call for urgent global climate action
Several initiatives highlight stories, narratives, and art performances that articulate the appeal of Pacific Island nations for a more decisive global action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.