Latest posts by Mong Palatino from November, 2017
Rice Fields and Carabaos: A Glimpse of Rural Life in the Philippines
Through photos he shared with Global Voices, veteran photographer Lito Ocampo captured not just the typical scenes in a lowland farming village but also the state of Philippine agriculture.
Malaysian Authorities Blocked Websites Reporting on Massive Personal Data Theft Scandal
"I believe that you have a right to know about it, in a timely manner. Authorities can’t sit on the data for weeks without letting you know on any pretense."
#StopTheCrackdownVN: Global Groups Call for Human Rights Protection in Vietnam
Human rights groups are stepping up the campaign urging the Vietnamese government to release 165 prisoners and conscience and to stop the persecution of activists and bloggers.
Facebook's ‘Explore Feed’ Experiment Is Hurting Small Businesses, NGOs, and Political Groups in Cambodia
"By slicing news out of people’s feeds....Facebook has cut off a source of information for millions of Cambodians."
Indonesian Police Go After Social Media Users for Mocking House Speaker
"What does it say about....Indonesia when a politician can continue to act with impunity, while somebody who spreads a meme about him gets arrested?"