Stories about India from June, 2006
India: Guru Dutt and 1957
DoZ catches Pyaasa, a movie made in 1957 and wonders, “There is no three-point program to improve the sum total of the hero’s happiness in fifty-five minutes. When you make...
India: Women and their Period
Nikita has a post on the perceived impurity of women during their menstrual cycle. No access to places of worship, treated as an untouchable and more.
The Indian Economy Blog » Blog Archive » Corruption: A License To Kill
The Indian Economy Blog on corruption, government and the private sector.“In fact, I can’t think of any kind of corruption in India where the benefits outweigh the costs. In most...
India: Baby in Bangalore
Sujatha has some notes on having a baby in Bangalore. For those of you considering having babies in Bangalore (especially those that have had babies in other countries and are...
Global Food Blog Report #22
#1: Klephblog, no doubt over-caffeinated, writes "How Coffee changed the Modern World," a great essay about this fruit of the Gods: This wondrous plant is a native of the new...
BarCamp / BlogCamp
India is going to have a BlogCamp in September. “This barcampish event will be India's biggest and most comprehensive blog event ever conducted. This event will aim to push the...
What are Indian Bloggers Talking About?
What are Indian Bloggers Talking About? Rudest City, Food, Weddings and Technology...
India: Startups in India
Kamla has a podcast interview on doing start-ups in India. “Rene Seifert, Bangalore-based entrepreneur and Managing Director of Level 360 Services discusses in our podcast interview on how to do...
India: All about Tops
Paavani writes about tops. “So I also thought of writing on something specific like – spinning top- it was extremely popular at certain phase now it lost its charm and...
India, Bangladesh: Being Rude
Mezba ponders on the Reader's Digest survey on cities and politness, picking out the aspects that become culturally irrelevant. He talks about being polite to shop-keepers “Well, the last time...
India, Pakistan, Bangladesh: Rethinking 1857
Sepia Mutiny discusses an article by William Dalrymple that explores the uprising in 1857. “I don’t think Dalrymple is saying that everyone involved in the Rebellion of 1857 was motivated...
India: Least Polite. Most Rude?
A Reader's Digest survey suggets that Mumbai maybe the least polite of a list of cities. Some reactions from the Indian blogosphere.
India: Army and the Women
The army appears to suggest that women are not necessary or invited. One blogger thinks that is the right line to take. Annie responds to the controversy by suggesting why...
Singapore: Bollywood Dancing
Pari at Daisyinthesdust blog is talking about her Bollywood dancing experience. “Thoughts of performing the kinds of dance moves I see in Bollywood movies threatened to leave me in hysterics....
India Changing: Calcutta to Kolkatta and much, much more…
Change is the central theme of the how many ways is India changing, how are the changes coming etc. etc.
India: Fashion Street
Selma on culture and fashion at Mumbai's Fashion Street. “Opposite to Mumbai's grand Azad Maidan, and along the Cross Maidan lies the fashion solution for Mumbai's poor and elite alike....
India, US: In the 1980s
US for the Indian in the 1980s. Ramesh Madhavan, a veteran online writer kicks off with this amazing post on culture, food and the immigrant experience.
India: Sports and Indian Blogosphere
In a series of posts on the Indian blogosphere, Desi Pundit features a post on sports and Indian Blogs.
India: Living with HIV
Lives in Focus had a videolog of an interview with Raj, a person living with HIV. “Raj is among the approximately five to ten percent of the global HIV+ population...
India: Flickr and Picasa
Amit Agarwal compares Flickr and the recently released Google Picasa photo album service.
India: Technology and Culture
Perspectives on technology and culture in India. Dina has a set of interesting observations on technology, usage and hardware in India.