Stories about India from February, 2014
How the Portuguese Influenced Indian Cuisine
During four centuries in India, the Portuguese left their mark on Indian cuisine. We look at just a few of the dishes that have Portuguese flavor.
[Photos]: Kolkata’s Street Dog Doctor
Kaushik Sengupta, a self-taught social documentary photographer, is the creator of a photo essay featuring Mr. Sandip Karan of Kolkata, India. Mr. Karan is known in his area as ‘street...
Bangladeshis Protest Bollywood Film ‘Gunday’ for Misrepresenting Liberation War
The film treats the 1971 war as simply a war between India and Pakistan, leaving out the fact of Bangladesh's struggle for independence from Pakistan.
Indian Blogger Exposes Fuel Pump Cheating With Viral Video
"A rampant malpractice at most fuel stations in the country, one that needs to be tackled in these times of high fuel prices."
Thoughts On India's Biggest Blogging Conference
#WIN14, India's biggest blogging conference and awards, hosted by BlogAdda, took place on February 9, 2014. Blogger Dr. Roshan Radhakrishnan, who won the best creative writing blog in India, shares...
Is Indian Anti-Corruption Leader Arvind Kejriwal's Resignation Clever or Crazy?
India's "common people" were hopeful when anti-corruption crusader Arvind Kejriwal and his Aam Aadmi Party took victory in Delhi assembly elections. But after only 49 days in office, Kejriwal resigned.
Toilets Should Not Be Emptied by Humans Say Indian Sanitation Laws
Despite the Indian government's stringent anti-manual scavenging law, the practice continues to flourish in pockets of India. A group of bloggers go on a field visit to find out more.
YouTube Chefs Are Cooking Up a Storm in Indian Kitchens
A group of YouTube chefs are gaining celebrity status in India and abroad for their cooking demonstrations broadcast on YouTube and recipe blogs.
An Info-Activism Tool-Kit on Women's Rights Campaigning
The Women's Rights Campaigning: Info-Activism Toolkit by Tactical Technology Collective is a new guide for women's rights activists, advocates, NGOs and community based organizations who want to use technology tools...
India's Solar Vision Promises Clean Energy And Happy Farmers
The Indian government is aiming to replace 26 million diesel-powered groundwater pumps with more efficient solar-powered irrigation models. The country also plans to build the world's largest solar power plant.
A Video That Made 50 Schools Safe
Video Volunteers Community Correspondent Amit Topno from Torpa Block, Jharkhand talks about making a video that brought about a positive change that had potentially saved the lives of 5000 people...