· December, 2007

Stories about India from December, 2007

Bahrain: The debt owed to the Indians of the Gulf

  23 December 2007

This is the second post from Bahrain this week; the first covered various celebrations, and demonstrations. In this post we'll be examining the official population statistics, hearing about a frustrating experience in Saudi Arabia, seeing what role graffiti can play in political mobilisation, and acknowledging the debt owed to South Asians in the Gulf.

India: Tweetup!

  20 December 2007

A Tweetup (or Twitter Meetup) in Mumbai, probably the first one in India – more information at Gauravonomics.

Bahrain: A tenfold increase in population?!

  15 December 2007

This time the roundup from Bahrain covers three weeks. We have frustration on every front, unfortunately: frustration with being surrounded by apathy and ignorance, with being a teenager, and with a ludicrous criminal charge. One blogger is considering leaving the Gulf for a better life back in India, another admits he rarely reads, and a number of others are debating the merits of secularism.

Neigbourhood Diaries: Growing Citizen Journalists from Grassroots

  14 December 2007

This week we have the pleasure to introduce to you the fifth of the first round grantees of the Rising Voices. 'Neigbourhood Diaries' is a citizen writing program moblising young people living in ’slums’ as citizen journalists to research, write and disseminate unrecognized and authentic community narratives in local and global media.

India: On Plagiarism

  11 December 2007

balancing life on the recent incidents of plagiarism in academia and why the real problem goes back to not educating children about citing one's sources.

India: Ellora Caves

  11 December 2007

Youth Curry on visiting the wonderful Ellora caves, government neglect and the noisy tourists.

India: Outing Bloggers

  10 December 2007

A sudden turn of events in the blogosphere, as some trolls “out” some of the bloggers by disclosing their real names. IndieQuill on “Outing Bloggers”.

India: Bengalooru Bangalored!

  10 December 2007

With due apologies to Prof. TT Ram Mohan who came up with this creative title for his post, and which I have happily borrowed from him. The emergence of Bangalore...

India: On an Epic

  7 December 2007

Reading the re-telling of the Ramayana by Ashok Banker gets Lightning Strikes Everyday to reflect on the epic.

India: Economy and Rights

  7 December 2007

Despite all the buzz around India's growing economy, Arthshastra feels that returning to India requires deeper thought, given the current state of civil liberties. Uber Crazy voices in on the...

India: Still 1992

  6 December 2007

a reader's words reminds us of the events of 6 Dec 1992, when a mosque was demolished by fundamentalists, and on how things haven't really changed.