· February, 2010

Stories about Russia from February, 2010

Russia and US to Broaden Collaboration Online

RuNet Echo  26 February 2010

Vesti.ru wrote [RUS] about the visit of the U.S. “innovation delegation” [EN] led by America's Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra [EN]. The plans of the Russian-U.S. cooperation include launching e-government...

Russia: Government Supports Blogger School

RuNet Echo  24 February 2010

Gov-gov.ru blogs [RUS] about a new online initiative: government-sponsored blogger schools that emerge in Tomsk (Siberia) [RUS] and Dagestan [RUS]. The Dagestan region has one of the lowest Internet penetration...

Russia: Provider Sued For Not Blocking Web Sites

RuNet Echo  24 February 2010

The prosecutor's office of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Siberian region where most of Russia's oil comes from, filed a suit against a local Internet provider that refused to block “extremist”...

Russia: Snow and the Gastarbeiter

  24 February 2010

Photos of some of the aftermath of a record-breaking snowfall in Moscow, as well as musings on whether the Russian capital needs its gastarbeiter or not – at Pictures of...

Russia: PM's Figure Skating Comment

  24 February 2010

The Ivanov Report analyzes the Western media response to the Russian prime minister's “Vancouver Olympics quote/misquote” and concludes: “Attaching his name to a piece of ‘analysis’ helps sell this questionable...

Russia: “Merry Gnome”

RuNet Echo  23 February 2010

IZO links to LJ user postoronniy-cb‘s post (RUS) and writes: “When prez Medvedev visited Omsk recently, a sign advertising a play for children called We Await You, Merry Gnome was...

Russia: Media Portal Undergoes Check For Extremism

RuNet Echo  21 February 2010

The war on extremism became a universal formula used by Russian authorities to fight the freedom of online expression. Interestingly enough, this practice co-exists with ambitious projects of the Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to modernize the country.

Russia: Torrents.ru Is Suspended

RuNet Echo  19 February 2010

The major Russian torrent (files exchange) service torrents.ru has been suspended due to investigation of copyright violations, RIA Novosty reported. The service continues to work via another domain.