Stories about Russia from July, 2005
Russia: What goes around… reports on the rumor that Boris Yelstin may make a political comeback. The reasoning is something like he's the only political figure with the authority to challenge Putin, so...
Russia: Armenian Spammer Found Murdered in Russia
Oneworld Multimedia has more details about the spammer who was found murdered in his apartment this weekend.
Russia: Spammer Murdered reports that Russia's most notorious spammer was found beaten to death in his apartment over the weekend. It's unknown if his brutal murder was connected to his spamming activities.
Russia: US Ambassador's closing remarks
Siberian Light covers the departing remarks of Alexander Vershbow, the outgoing US Ambassador to Russia. He also points to a short profile he did of incoming ambassador.
Blog de Connard: Who needs that hotel anyway?
Blog de Connard reports that engineers tearing down an old Moscow hotel discovered a huge cache of explosives in the foundation of the building. The metric tonne of explosives were...
Eastern Europe, Russia, NIS & Central Asia Friday Blog Roundup passes on the news that the Taliban is denying responsibility for the attacks in London, though they're not exactly sorry that they happened either. The Russian Dilettante points out...
Eastern Europe, Russia, NIS & Central Asia Daily Blog Roundup
The Russian Dilettante points out that the roots of the Solidarity movement in Poland were profoundly nationalistic and that if it were to rise again, the Western press would probably...
Monday: Eastern Europe, Russia, NIS & Central Asia
Afghan Lord has been receiving threats, and discovers they're coming from an IP address associated with the BBC. (More on this in a separate post coming soon.) Onnik Krikorian at...