Stories about Russia from August, 2022
In Azerbaijan, international absence on a visit to formerly disputed territory draws government ire
The absence of US and French representatives at the event dedicated to the "restoration and reconstruction" of territories Azerbaijan regained after the war, seemed to have irritated the authorities.
Unfreedom Monitor Report: Russia
Advox research into digital authoritarianism in Russia is now in a report. Read an excerpt and download the full pdf.
Undertones: Anti-war activity is not over in Russia, says Russian researcher
"It's hard to know all that is being done, because journalism is nearly dead, even though there is still a lot going on in spite of circumstances."
Prague Pride parade is back after a two-year pandemic hiatus: A photo essay
Considered one of the largest in Central Europe, Prague Pride’s parade returned to the streets on August 13 after a two-year hiatus, drawing an estimated 60,000 people.
Opening of shipping routes from Ukraine will not abate commodity and food pressure on the Middle East and North Africa
Despite the opening up of shipping routs for grain exports from Ukraine, persistent challenges from the war will continue to exacerbate pressures on the Middle East and North Africa
Georgia and Russia spar with online bullying, historical grievances, and visa regulations
Since the start of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, the ruling Georgian Dream has been cautious, as if walking on a mine field while anti-Russia sentiments among public are growing.
Part 2: Australian nurse discusses her humanitarian mission to Ukraine's frontlines
"The world is out there, your skills are needed, chances are it is you that is stopping yourself. Get out there and chase your dreams and give it a go."
As peace and prosperity unravel, Central Asia braces for a surge of forced labor and sexual slavery
Economic crises, cuts in public spending and subsequent unemployment are commonly regarded as the factors that aggravate the risks for vulnerable groups of population to fall prey to human trafficking
New tensions in Karabakh as Armenia and Azerbaijan exchange blame and accusations
Two years since Azerbaijan and Armenia fought a 44-day war over the Nagorno-Karabakh region, tensions are rising, with both nations accusing each other of violating the November 2020 peace agreement
Australian nurse discusses her humanitarian mission to Ukraine's frontlines
"Irrespective of whichever side you may have family or friends on, there are innocent lives that are being used as pawns in a very vicious game."