Stories about LGBTQ+ from October, 2009
Bahamas: Homosexual Rights
Catch a fire and Wishful Thinking discuss homosexuality in the Bahamas.
Myanmar: Gay slang
Writing for New Mandala, Violet Cho and Dave Gilbert observe that “Gay people in Burma are resisting homophobia and marginalisation through the creative use of new communication codes.”
India: Campaign To End Homophobia
“The Campaign for Open Minds is one of the many efforts to end homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in India and was created in response to the alarming surge in attempts...
Ecuador: 7th Annual Gay Film Festival
Lesmode [es] is looking forward to the 7th Annual Gay Film Festival called “The Place Without Limts” to take place in 4 cities across Ecuador from November 21-28.
Uganda: Bloggers discuss anti-gay bill
A Ugandan bill that would make homosexuality officially illegal and punishable with death sentence or life in prison has been tabled in parliament and now only awaits president Yoweri Museveni's signature. Gay bloggers in Uganda discuss.
Jamaica: Change Takes Time
Annie Paul blogs about everything from Jamaican coffee to reggae star Buju Banton's meeting with gay activists: “Yeah right, the Jamaican public is going to listen and learn from a...
Israel: Future Gay Tourist Hub?
Is Israel becoming a hub of international gay tourism, I Googled Israel ponders. He observes: “There is a clear trend definitely geared towards bringing in more gay vacationers and, to...
Jamaica: Buju Meets With Gays
As controversial dancehall artist Buju Banton meets with gays in the U.S., Jamaica Salt thinks it's a step in the right direction, but adds: “I don’t think he’s ever going...
East Timor: Situation of HIV-positive people
East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin blogs about the situation of homosexuals in East Timor and the lack of efforts to address the needs of HIV-positive people.
U.S.: Photos From Gay Rights March in D.C.
LJ user mozgovaya posts photos (RUS) from the gay right march that took place in Washington, D.C., on Oct. 11. LJ user bagira commented (RUS): “These guys do have a...
Ukraine: Art Website Shut Down; Gallery Set on Fire
IZO reports that “Anatoli Ulyanov's Ukrainian art website Proza ( has been shut down by its US host for displaying ‘child pornography'” – and that “Pavel Gudimov's Ya Gallery in...