· August, 2010

Stories about LGBTQ+ from August, 2010

Bangladesh: An Important Recognition

  20 August 2010

Andalib at Cadet College Blog discusses [bn] about the recent decision of Bangladesh election commission to recognize “sex worker” as a profession in the voter ID.

Nicaragua: Blog Informs About LGBT Community

  18 August 2010

Grupo de Diversidad Sexual de Carazo (Sexual Diversity Group from Carazo) keeps a blog [es] called Espacio Comunicación Alternativa (Space for Alternative Communication), where they aim to, “Create alternative and...

China: Sex workers demand legalization, organizer detained

  1 August 2010

If prostitution doesn't violate contemporary cultural norms, sex activists argue, then why doesn't the law reflect as much? Just a few days after a group in central China took to the street to gather support in a fight for social status for sex workers, the organizer has been detained by police.