Stories about LGBTQ+ from August, 2010
Armenia: LGBT blogger responds to radio station
Unzipped: Gay Armenia responds to an open letter published by a local radio station considered by many to be guilty of homophobia despite funding from international donors to spread European...
Portugal: Online Conversation on Poliamory
PolyPortugal blog [pt] is an online community that discusses poliamory in Portugal and supports sexual diversity in general.
Bangladesh: An Important Recognition
Andalib at Cadet College Blog discusses [bn] about the recent decision of Bangladesh election commission to recognize “sex worker” as a profession in the voter ID.
Armenia: Homophobic radio station rewarded?
Having already warned against increasing levels of homophobia in society, including that recently shown by a local radio station in a project ostensibly meant to promote European integration and values,...
Nicaragua: Blog Informs About LGBT Community
Grupo de Diversidad Sexual de Carazo (Sexual Diversity Group from Carazo) keeps a blog [es] called Espacio Comunicación Alternativa (Space for Alternative Communication), where they aim to, “Create alternative and...
Maldives: Homosexuality Criminalized
The Rainbow Maldivian reminds tourists that homosexuality is criminalized in Maldives with punishment like 10 to 30 lashes and/or jail terms.
Somaliland: Challenge for openly gay president
Sokari's reaction to the news that Somaliland's President is openly gay: “Roll on the next AU [African Union] meeting. Will he stand up for LGBTI Rights?…If not and his identity...
Mexico: Adoption Rights for Same-Sex Couples
Pepe Flores writes [es] about the Supreme Court's decision to uphold a law which allows same-sex couples to adopt children. He calls the ruling, “A great triumph for the LGBT...
Africa: Conference on African Same-Sex Sexualities
A conference on African Same-Sex Sexualities and Gender Diversity will take place in South Africa, February 13-16, 2011.
Hungary: Xenophobia, Homophobia, Crime
Hungarian Spectrum posts an update on the investigation into a series attacks on and murders of Gypsies that took place over a year ago, and writes about several recent murders...
Armenia: Being Queer in Yerevan
Bekhsoos, a queer Arab magazine, features a guest post by Canadian-Armenian Adrineh Macaan on life as a lesbian in Yerevan, the Armenian capital.
Morocco: Petitioning for the decriminalisation of homosexuality
Moroccans are petitioning for the decriminalisation of homosexuality by the repeal of article 489 of the Moroccan Penal Code, which criminalises “lewd or unnatural acts with an individual of the...
China: Sex workers demand legalization, organizer detained
If prostitution doesn't violate contemporary cultural norms, sex activists argue, then why doesn't the law reflect as much? Just a few days after a group in central China took to the street to gather support in a fight for social status for sex workers, the organizer has been detained by police.