· March, 2006

Stories about Ethiopia from March, 2006

Battling HIV/AIDS

  31 March 2006

The Concoction appears to disagree with former US president Bill Clinton when he calls for mandatory testing for HIV/AIDS. It also tells of what it calls “brave Catholics” in South...

Ethiopia: Permanently in debt?

  28 March 2006

Weichegud!ET comments on the waste of aid money to Ethiopia which has not alliviated poverty and the country is in the midst of yet another drought. She asks why does...

East Africa: press freedom

  27 March 2006

Nazret.Net points to an report on press freedom in East Africa and sites Eritrea as the worst country in the region.

Ethiopia: Exploisions in the capital

27 March 2006

Meskel Square reports on two more explosions in Addis today – at least one person was killed….”No one so far has managed to come up with a clear explanation of...

African women blogging this week

  26 March 2006

It is that time of the year for those of us in the Diaspora, long nights and dark days in Europe set the heart and mind to thinking of life...

Ethiopia: World water Day

  22 March 2006

Concoction reminds us it is World Water Day. She focuses on the act of “fetching water” which is largely ignored….fetching water is not something men do unless they are alone.”...

Ethiopia: Fear grips the capital

  21 March 2006

Nazret.com writes that Ethiopians are grippped with fear – fear to speak and meet with each other…”A climate bordering on fear has taken hold of the Ethiopian capital as journalists,...

Ethiopia: The fantasy of Meles

  20 March 2006

Mehedeya also commenting on an Ethiopia related report this time from the Economist which finally turns the heat on Meles.... “It is hard, for instance, to find any educated Ethiopian,...

Ethiopia: Diaspora Politics

  17 March 2006

Weichegud! ET Politics continues her mission to get more Ethiopians in the Diaspora to get invovled in Ethiopian politics. … “Time for Ethiopian Immigrants to Reconsider Alliance with Democrats. Hello,...

Ethiopia: oil exploration

  15 March 2006

Redeem Ethiopia comments on the commencement of oil exploration in Ethiopia. He is particularly concerned over the “Many warning alarms have already been given against the dangerous marriage of convenience...

Ethiopia: Drought update

  15 March 2006

Meskel Square posts another report on drought striken Oromia and Somali regions – a small amount of rain has fallen.

Ethiopia: journalist jailed

  13 March 2006

EthioBlog reports that an Ethiopian jounalist has been sentenced to one year in prison for writing “false news”. Meanwhile another journalist, pregnant Internet journalist Frezer Negash was freed from custody.