· August, 2005

Stories about Ethiopia from August, 2005

Ethiopia: The president reacts

31 August 2005

Nazret.com's Ethioblog posts the response of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to criticisms of the country's elections by EU monitors.

Ethiopia: Elections criticized

25 August 2005

Nazret.com's Ethioblog compiles a round-up of news reports about criticisms of the Ethiopian elections by EU election observers.

Ethiopia: Former rebel leaders

24 August 2005

Nazret.com‘s blogging of a BBC program about rebel leaders who win control of African countries stimulates a passionate debate in the comments section.

Ethiopia: U.S. defamation suit

18 August 2005

Ethiopundit comments on a defamation suit filed in a U.S. court by the Ethiopian government against four of its citizens in connection with allegations made by a U.S./German radio station...

Ethiopia: Wake up, Zimbabwe

  18 August 2005

Friends of Ethiopa posts extracts from a speech slamming Western inconsistencies on matters of human rights in African countries, among other things.

Ethiopia: Opposition Presser

12 August 2005

Amber Henshaw, blogging from Ethiopia, reports that the country's two main opposition parties held a news conference rejecting yesterday's election results and calling on the government to form a government...

Ethiopia: Addis Stories

11 August 2005

Ethiopundit posts a history of master plans for Addis Ababa; in a way, it's also a history of the city itself.