Stories about Ethiopia from November, 2005
Ethiopia: VOA
Ethiopian Politics writes in support of the VOA Amharic Program which is described as “A voice to the voiceless”...We the undersigned Ethiopians, Ethio-Americans and friends of Ethiopia who are concerned...
Ethiopia: VOA
Meskel Square reports about an ongoing “war” between Ethiopia and the Voice of America. The battle surrounds VOA broadcast service in Amharic. The Ethiopian News Agency comments on VOA “In...
Africa: Western Media reports
Ethan Zuckerman, My Hearts in Accra comments on a New York Times article that has belatedly ‘discovered’ the state sponsored violence that took place in Ethiopia earliar this month. He...
Ethiopia: US
Ethiopundit writes on the recent state violence in Ethiopia and the complicity of the US as exporters of arms to the Ethiopian government. Arms which are then used on Ethiopian...
Ethiopia, Eritrea military build up
Friends of Ethiopia reports the UN is threatening acton against Ethiopia and Eritrea if they do not reverse their military build up. If either nation refuses they could face sanctions.
Meskel Square
Meskel Square posts that “”The report of my death has been grossly exaggerated”…………..So I go on an unannounced internet holiday and come back to find I've been killed off in...
Ethiopia: Crown Council
Ethiopia Pundit publishes a statement by the Crown Council of Ethiopia…..”Regrettably, we seem to remain oblivious to the tragic lessons learned from the terrible events of last June. Indeed, accusations...
Ethiopia: light relief
Meskel Square has some light relief from Addis Ababa after weeks of violence….some nice photos too of the hour. ………….The gloom that has settled over most people I know in...
Ethiopia:treason arrests
Friends of Ethiopia reports more on the arrest of opposition leaders who are now being held on charges of treasons. ………Dr Nega and his colleagues are being held on charges...
Ethiopia: Somaliland
Inside Somaliland reports on landlocked Ethiopia's first import of cargo through the Red Sea port of Berbera in Somaliland.
Preventing another African war – Blog reviews on the Ethiopian-Eritrean dispute
As seven African leaders met in the Nigerian capital of Abuja over the weekend to discuss ways of moving their continent forward, Ethiopia and Eritrea had troops amassed on their...
Ethiopia: Government by trikery
Ethiopundit reports on the BBC news item stating that the Ethiopian government had released 2,417 who had been detained during last weeks demonstrations. However, Ethiopundit points out that “We only...
EthiopiaL Geffrey Sachs
Ethiopian blogger Wonkette of Weichegud!Et Politics returns to her/his childhood days in Addis Ababa where his neighbours were expat Brits working for an NGO. s/he made friends with the daughter...
Ethiopian Jews
Ethiopian blog Admas reports that Israel has reached a deal with the Ethiopian government to speed up the ” immigration to the Jewish state of some 20,000 Falashmura, Jewish converts...
Horn of Africa: HR petition
Inside Somaliland reports on a petition against the worsening human rights violations in Ethiopia. The petition is being organised by a Horn of Africa coalition consisting of “Human Rights Defenders...
Ethiopia: Meles
Ethiopundit provides an analysis of the government of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi of Ethiopia 14 years after liberation “MELES THE SUPERMAN SWALLOWS GOLD AND SPOUTS JUNK“
Ethiopia,Eritrea border crisis
Friends of Ethiopia looks at the border crisis between Ethiopia and it's neighbour Eritrea and notes that the crisis conicided with the continued political violence in Addis and Adaba.
Ethiopia: eyewitness reports
EthioIndex forum has eyewitness reports of brutality by the Ethiopian state forces
Ethiopia: violence continues
More sickening violence in Ethiopia's capital, Addis Ababa – EthioExodus “A homeless pregnant woman was running for shelter from flying bullets…literally dragging her may be 3yrs old boy as the...
The Riots in Addis: Bloggers and Citizen Journalists report
Addis Ababa has been gripped by violence the past three days as heavily armed police and troops have responded to rock-throwing protesters with gunfire. Over thirty deaths have been reported....