Stories about Ethiopia from January, 2018
Leaked Documents Show That Ethiopia’s Ruling Elites Are Hiring Social Media Trolls (And Watching Porn)
The leaks include a list of individuals who appear to have been paid to promote the ruling coalition on social media.
The Untimely Death of an Exiled Ethiopian Journalist
"His reward for having conscience in a country that criminalises it was torture & death in exile."
What Happens at Maekelawi? Tales of Torture from an Ethiopian Detention Center Slated for Closure
"It turns out that the anguish of Ethiopian prisoners, something that appeared to be so distant in memory, is not that far off after all."
Growing Popular Opposition Continues to Put Pressure on Ethiopia’s Ruling Party
"2017 was the year of the Oromo People's Democratic Organisation...The OPDO was able to shake the puppet label and actually prove to be quite vocal in #Ethiopia's political arena."