Stories about Puerto Rico (U.S.) from January, 2011
Puerto Rico: Violence Continues as Students Engage in Civil Disobedience
On January 20th, students from the University of Puerto Rico started staging acts of civil disobedience as part of their strike against the $800 dollar annual fee imposed by the administration. The Police has arrested almost 100 protesters and assaulted journalists who have been covering the incidents. Social media and blogs have been an important tool of dissemination and a space for analysis.
Puerto Rico: Best Culture Blog
The Coalition of Artists of Puerto Rico gave the award of best cultural blog for the month of January to El Naufragio de las Palabras [es] maintained by Carlos Antonio...
Puerto Rico: “The Love of My Life”
Blogger and lawyer Verónica RT looked up the Facebook status [es] of Zacha Hernández Alemán, a recent victim of domestic violence in Puerto Rico. It said: “I am engaged with...
Puerto Rico: Working with Needles
El Faktor [es] posts a video portraying the work of Puerto Rican tattoo artist Krystel Ivannie.
Puerto Rico: More Arrests and Civil Disobedience
The student blog Desde Adentro [es] and the monthly Diálogo [es] are offering live coverage of the most recent round of arrests at the University of Puerto Rico. About 30...
Puerto Rico: Second Round of Civil Disobedience
The student blog Desde Adentro [es] is covering the arrests of approximately 30 students who were participating today in the second round of organized acts of civil disobedience to protest...
Puerto Rico: First Mobile News Service Launched
The first exclusively digital and mobile news outlet in Puerto Rico has just been launched: Noticel [es]. Reporters will be covering breaking news and features.
Puerto Rico: A Blog for Local Talents
The blog El Faktor [es] has a mission: to interview and display the work of talented people who are under the radar.
Puerto Rico: Arrests for Acts of Civil Disobedience
Dozens of students of the University of Puerto Rico and other activists have been arrested today while participating in acts of civil disobedience at the main campus in Río Piedras...
Puerto Rico: Online Debate on Hooded Protesters
Recently, hooded individuals protesting in the student strike at the University of Puerto Rico committed acts of vandalism that were caught on camera. Members of the Puerto Rican blogosphere discuss the impact they have caused to the cause and some wonder if they are students at all.
Puerto Rico: Reflections on 2010
Artist and blogger Javier Martínez reflects [es] on the best and the worst of 2010.
Puerto Rico: Ex Alums and Professors Question Violence
The digital magazine 80 Grados republishes the expressions [es] of professors and ex alums of the University of Puerto Rico who have criticized a group of alleged students who damaged...
Puerto Rico: More Students Arrested
The student blog Desde Adentro [es] informs that eight students of the University of Puerto Rico were arrested today for distributing fliers and leaflets in the classrooms. Students of the...
Puerto Rico: Interview of Esoez TV Team
In the music blog Puerto Rico Indie [es], @redod interviews @nerdote and @fetoso [es], the team behind the blog and performance project Esoez TV [es].
Puerto Rico: School Away from School
Poder, Espacio y Ambiente [es] informs about the initiative “Universidad sin paredes” (University without Walls), that aims to offer classes outside the physical space of the University of Puerto Rico,...
Puerto Rico: Blogs go Mainstream
The tech blog Qiibo has posted the audio of the interview [es] journalist Jonathan Lebrón Ayala did with various bloggers in Puerto Rico for the mainstream radio station WKAQ/Univisión.
Cuba: Essays on Cuba
In Octavo Cerco [es], guest author Boris González Arenas publishes the first part of a trilogy of essays on the political situation of Cuba.
Puerto Rico: Students Use Social Media
The Committee of Student Representatives (CRE in Spanish) used social media networks to transmit their message in favor of having a dialogue to end the student strike at the University...
Puerto Rico: Stolen Art
In Trance Líquido [es], Lilliam Nieves analyzes the recent theft of three masterpieces of the Puerto Rican paintor José Campeche from the National Gallery.
Puerto Rico: Poetry is Busy
Poet and blogger Yarisa Colón comments on the event “Poetry is Busy” [es] at the Museum of Contemporary Art in San Juan: “It was a wonderful night. I read in...