· February, 2011

Stories about Puerto Rico (U.S.) from February, 2011

Puerto Rico: Best Blogs 2010

  23 February 2011

The team of Esoez.com gave out the Esoez Awards to the best blogs [es] of Puerto Rico in 2010. The podcast En Profundo [es], the music blog Puerto Rico Indie...

Puerto Rico: A Student's Life Broadcast Through Youtube

  23 February 2011

Christian Ortega published the first episode of his regular web series "La Cabeza de Christian" back in the summer of 2009. Through LCC, as it is known for short, Christian generally speaks his mind about Puerto Rican politics, headline news, and his life on the island for seven to nine minutes at a time each week. Alfredo Richner interviews Christian about his online success, Puerto Rico's blogosphere, and the student strike at the University of Puerto Rico, among other topics.

Puerto Rico: A Travelling Girl

  18 February 2011

Kanchita, a seven-year old girl from Puerto Rico, has started a blog [es] in which she is recording her thoughts during her wonderful travels through South America. Kanchita is also...

Puerto Rico: “I Support My Alma Mater”

  12 February 2011

“I stand behind my country’s public university and what it should be: an accessible institution that promotes the advancement of different types of knowledges, provides spaces to discuss and  solve...

Puerto Rico: UPR President Resigns

  12 February 2011

In the midst of a severe crisis, the president of the University of Puerto Rico, José Ramón de la Torre, resigned allegedly due to “personal reasons.” The student digital publication...

Puerto Rico: UPR Professors Walk Out

  11 February 2011

The Puerto Rican Association of University Professors (APPU in Spanish) held a walk out yesterday, February 10, 2011 at the Río Piedras campus of the University of Puerto Rico in...

Puerto Rico: Triumph Over Television, The Comedy of Esoez.com

  10 February 2011

@Nerdote and @Fetoso have developed a loyal following within Puerto Rico's blogosphere, racking up over 800,000 video views on their YouTube channel, and welcoming thousands of visitors a month to their blog Esoez.com. Global Voices interviews the duo about their scathing humor,their character "Fico Fronte," the media and the Puerto Rican blogosphere.

Puerto Rico: In Defense of the Hispanic Studies Department

  8 February 2011

The department of Hispanic Studies is one of 10 academic programs that have been put "on pause" by the administration of the University of Puerto Rico starting August 2011. The administration cites low enrollment numbers as the justification for this action. Students and faculty members have criticized the decision and explain the importance of the department.

Puerto Rico: Protest Against Harrasment

  2 February 2011

The feminist coalition Movimiento Amplio de Mujeres [es] reacts to the videos and images circulated through social media [es] that show police officers inappropriately touching women protesters arrested for participating...