Stories about Puerto Rico (U.S.) from June, 2011
Puerto Rico: Fortuño Campaign vs. Al Jazeera Documentary
Technology and news blog Qiibo [es] launches an interesting debate [es] by comparing a video of governor Luis Fortuño's 2012 campaign and Al Jazeera's Fault Lines documentary “Puerto Rico: The...
Puerto Rico: A Picture a Day
Blogger Maite Ramos has been posting a picture a day on her blog Elucubraciones de Amaranta [es] as part her participation in two different photo contests.
Puerto Rico: Angelamaría Dávila Reads Her Poetry
Youtube user atavarez honors the memory of Puerto Rican poet Angelamaría Dávila [es] with a video in which the poet reads some of her very intense writings.
Puerto Rico: Interview of Le Butcherettes
Music blogger @redod interviews Terri Gender Bender (born Teresa Suárez) [es], leader singer of the Mexican garage-punk band Le Butcherettes.
Puerto Rico: Surviving the Puerto Rican Parade
Actor and writer Mikephillippe Oliveros shares his reflections on attending the famous Puerto Rican Parade [es] in New York City: “It was evident that the relationship they have with the island is totally different...
Puerto Rico: C-Sections Too Prevalent
“48% of Our births are by cesarean section, the highest rate in the world”: Gil the Jenius says that “Our future children–and their mothers–absolutely deserve that We strive for their...
Puerto Rico: New Online Fashion Magazine
There is a new online magazine dedicated to fashion, beauty, and lifestyle in Puerto Rico: Fashion Vitrine [es]. There will also be updates, headlines, and more shared through @fashionvitrine.
Puerto Rico: Indignation and Action
The online publication El Punto Es reports about an incipient social movement in Puerto Rico [es] that is following the example set by protesters in Spain, who denounced unemployment, corruption,...
Puerto Rico: What Happened to the .pr Domain?
The non-profit Center for Investigative Journalism published an investigation [es] on the history and many problems that have surrounded the acquisition of the .pr domain.
Puerto Rico: Disappointment, Frustration, and Laughs Over Obama's Visit
On Tuesday June 14, 2011, United States President Barack Obama visited Puerto Rico. It was the first official visit of a US president since John F. Kennedy visited Puerto Rico in 1961. Obama and his brief four hours in the island have been the center of public discussion, online and offline.
Puerto Rico: Barack Obama Visits the Island
Netizens can follow the discussion on US President Barack Obama's flash visit today to Puerto Rico under the hashtags #obamapr and #obamaenpr.
Puerto Rico: Uproar Over Blogger's Story
An anonymous blogger's post narrating how she was insulted by a public official spread through the Puerto Rican blogosphere and social media, and made waves in the mainstream media. The incident has been confirmed. Here is "Yuyu's" story and reactions from netizens.
Puerto Rico: Poverty and Democracy
Feminist activist, lawyer and blogger Amárilis Pagán opines [es] that poverty reduction should be a central part of any democracy.
United States: On being a “Nuyorican”
Blogger and journalist Nuria Net reflects [es] on the meaning of being a Puerto Rican, and a Nuyorican, as a Puerto Rican living in New York City.
Puerto Rico: Review of “Esquina Periferia”
Blogger Miguel Adrover Lausell reviews [es] the artistic performance “Esquina Periferia” for the music blog Puerto Rico Indie [es].
Puerto Rico: Poverty & Choices
Gil the Jenius deconstructs the argument by political conservatives that “Poverty is a choice”.
Dominican Republic: “Selective Intolerance”
Journalist and blogger María Isabel Soldevila is outraged [es] by how people have reacted to a photo of a newlywed gay couple kissing, published in the front page of the newspaper...
Puerto Rico: The Hipster-ricans in NYC
The New York City-based blog El Punto Es [es] posts the video of the interview of a group of some cool and young Puerto Ricans [es] living in the city, called...
Puerto Rico: New Legal Blog
Law professor and blogger Erika Fontánez has launched her most recent digital project, the blog Observando el Derecho: Miradas desde la Teoría Social [es], which will offer in-depth analyses of...
Puerto Rico: Teatro Breve Online
The acclaimed group of artists and comedians “Teatro Breve” has gone digital: twice a week they are live through their new online radio program RadioBreve [es].