· June, 2011

Stories about Puerto Rico (U.S.) from June, 2011

Puerto Rico: A Picture a Day

  27 June 2011

Blogger Maite Ramos has been posting a picture a day on her blog Elucubraciones de Amaranta [es] as part her participation in two different photo contests.

Puerto Rico: C-Sections Too Prevalent

  21 June 2011

“48% of Our births are by cesarean section, the highest rate in the world”: Gil the Jenius says that “Our future children–and their mothers–absolutely deserve that We strive for their...

Puerto Rico: Indignation and Action

  20 June 2011

The online publication El Punto Es reports about an incipient social movement in Puerto Rico [es] that is following the example set by protesters in Spain, who denounced unemployment, corruption,...

Puerto Rico: Uproar Over Blogger's Story

  13 June 2011

An anonymous blogger's post narrating how she was insulted by a public official spread through the Puerto Rican blogosphere and social media, and made waves in the mainstream media. The incident has been confirmed. Here is "Yuyu's" story and reactions from netizens.

Puerto Rico: New Legal Blog

  1 June 2011

Law professor and blogger Erika Fontánez has launched her most recent digital project, the blog Observando el Derecho: Miradas desde la Teoría Social [es], which will offer in-depth analyses of...