Stories about Labor from May, 2014
Rwanda: The Good, the Bad and the Hopeful
Although Rwanda has made great strides in recovering from the 1994 genocide, advocacy groups continue to report human rights violations.
German Graduates Fight Back Against Woefully Paid Internships: ‘Have You No Shame?’
A letter of complaint gives rise to debates among social science students and graduates through mailing lists and Facebook. The topic: unpaid and badly paid traineeships and internships.
Chavs, on UK Working Class
Dani @El_Taquillero writes [es] on Sólo por molestar about the book Chavs. The Demonization of the Working Class, by Owen Jones. Chav is a term used to name a sub class...
What's the Beef? Strike Call at Japanese Fast Food Chain Sukiya
Are workers at Sukiya, the Japanese fast food chain famous for its $3 gyūdon beef rice bowl, really going on strike?
What is Really Ailing France ?
The inability of the French economy to rebound from the Euro zone crisis, the loss of corporate champions like Alstom and Arcelor and the forceful rise of the far right...
Hong Kong Public Libraries Ignore Biggest Minorities’ Need
As government funded libraries in Hong Kong fail to serve domestic workers’ need, they have to set up mobile libraries during public holidays across the city. Tom Grundy has the...
VIDEO: Mining Mogul Brags About the Unbelievable “Deal” He Scored for Zambia's Copper
A video of the owner of Vedanta Resources bragging about the unbelievable deal he cut with Zambia’s government for a copper mine 9 years ago, has appalled many Zambians.
Meet Khadija, a Motorcycle Repairwoman Breaking Boundaries in Bangladesh
BRAC blog profiles how girls in Bangladesh are learning lucrative yet unconventional trades for women. Khadija, for example, was forced to drop out of school before finishing fifth grade to help support...
Madagascar to Start Distributing Crude Oil Locally and Hope to Boost Job Market
L'Express reports that the Madagascar Oil Group will start testing distribution of 55,000 to 73,000 barrels [fr] of crude oil from Tsimiroro, Madagascar onto the local market. It is part of the new government strategy...
Hong Kong: End Foreign Domestic Worker's Live in Requirement
Foreign domestic workers are required by law to live with their employers, which is a major causes of worker abuse. Below is a campaign video produced by the Hong Kong...
Crossroads: Video Stories of Migrants in Malaysia
A video advocacy project highlights the situation of migrant workers in Malaysia.
Hong Kong: Domestic Worker Slapped, Kicked and Forced to Work 21 hours a Day
Another foreign domestic worker abuse case was exposed. The victim Rowena Uychiat was allegedly forced to work 21 hours a day (6am till 3am) without a day off. She claimed...
Protest against Goods and Services Tax Became Malaysia’s Biggest May Day Rally
Tens of thousands in Malaysia joined the May Day rally organized by the opposition to oppose the Goods and Services Tax which the government will start collecting next year.
Germans Counter Right-Wing Extremists With Their Own Protests on May Day
"May Day in #Rostock was a success in terms of numbers: 300 Nazis against 2,000 demonstrators."
Lebanese and Migrant Activists target the Kafala system
A campaign is underway in Lebanon to encourage people to speak up against the Kafala (sponsorship) system and the abuse of domestic workers. Here's how some showed their support.