Stories about Labor from July, 2006
Zimbabwe: Morgan Tsvangirai speech
Eddie Cross on Zimpundit posts in its entirety the speech given by former union leader and opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai to a National Convention held by Churches in Zimbabwe Saturday...
South Africa: Trade union
Writes Farrel Lifson at, South Africa's largest trade union COSATU gets a lot of media exposure, but still has fewer than two million members.
China: reticence: would-be lesbians, corporate executives and urban journalists
Ever wonder why there was no male version of 2004's smash television phenomenon Super Girl? While a lesbian conspiracy might have made for better Communist Party PR positioning than news...
Liberia: Firestone under fire
In honor of Liberian independence day, Black Looks highlights a campaign to persuade U.S. tyre maker Firestone to clean up its operations in Liberia, spearheaded by the Friends of the...
Serbia: Macedonian Gastarbeiters
Dictionary of the Serbian Mess writes about Macedonian miners working at Serbian mines.
Sri Lanka: Trade Unions and Development
Land Like No Other discusses trade unions in Sri LankaS, and if the comparison with developed countries accurately presents the case of trade unions and development. “Privatization is not a...
Sri Lanka: The implications of leaving Lebanon
Even as evacuation drives intensify in Lebanon, Moju explores the implications of Sri Lankans who will find themselves jobless and will need financial assistance. “This sudden stoppage of the funds...
Kenya: Job loss
“It's odd to quit a job,” writes Kenyan Musings, who just quit hers. “People think you are nuts…but it gets to the point where if you allow yourself to be...
Belarus: Economic Sanctions Looming
TOL's Belarus Blog and Andrei Khrapavitski write that “Belarus is soon to be expelled from the EU’s Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) due to its non-compliance with trade union legislature...
Philippines: Exporting nurses to the world
The most popular college degree in the Philippines today is nursing. More than 100,000 Filipino nurses have left the country to seek better opportunities.
African Migrants in Australia
African Migrants takes note of a report that says African migrants who held a job before leaving their homeland in search of work are more likely to find employment on...
African Women: Call for Nominations
African Women posts a call for nominations for the African Women of Distinction book and video exhibition scheduled for December 2006. The aim, the announcement says, is to profile the...
French-Speaking Bloggers on Rabat Conference on Migration
What Will the Conference Bring? Says France-based African blogger Le Pangolin, Du 10 au 11 juillet 2006, s'est tenue à Rabat au Maroc, la première rencontre interministérielle euro-africaine sur les...
Cuba: How many Cubans does it take to…?
Pac MacLaurin posts a photo of three Cuban store clerks and comments on the country's labour inefficiencies: “A friend of mine once told me that when he was working in...
Taiwan: human trafficking
David discusses about the US State Department downgraded Taiwan to its “tier two” watch list in its latest Trafficking in Persons Report in jujuflop. He hopes that the report can...
Caribbean: New HR aggregator and T&T labour shortage
Chronicles from a Caribbean Cubicle announces the arrival of “CaribHRNews, a Squidoo-hosted aggregator of the most recent internet-based news related to the Human Resources profession,” and takes note of an...
South Korea: Anti-FTA protest
Kotaji blogs about the anti FTA protest in Seoul on July 12. Jamie in Two Koreas has a very detailed account of the raining day demonstration. Another witness report is...
Poland: Miss World Contest in Warsaw
Unlike the Polish media, the beatroot isn't excited about the Miss World 2006 contest to be held in Warsaw in September: “It’s a boring event watched only by men with...
Outsourcing the war in Iraq and Afghanistan
Now, another job that is “outsourced” in the Philippines is private security operator or independent contractor ( read: mercenaries) in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Iran: Syndicates & Socialist Revolution
Several Shargh newspaper journalists have launched Zangeh Tafrih, a collective blog to write about economic issues. In Zange Tafrih they explain why Marx prophecy about Socialist Revolution in industrial countries...
Senegal: Migrant workers
Black Looks posts a poem about the lives of African migrants looking for work and a better life, and Nigeria, What's New? picks it up with a link to a...