· May, 2006

Stories about Labor from May, 2006

Cambodia: Promotion Girl

  30 May 2006

Vutha in Cambodia looks at the life of Promotion Girls – girls hired to sell products in streetside cafes and markets.

Sri Lanka: Job losses and India

  29 May 2006

Given that a lot of outsourcing jobs go to India, Janapathi in the context of transnational job losses – ponders on why Sri Lankan executives lose their jobs to Indians.

Jordan: Unemployment

The percentage of educated individuals is continuously increasing and the number of schools and universities is on the rise as well; this is one of the successful trades and business...

The garments industry riots in Bangladesh

  26 May 2006

Whether we accept it or not, we all are chained humans, there is a master above us and we are a master of someone. And the exploitation continues. The truth is no hero or revolution is going to break the chain saving us anytime soon.

Iran: Bribing System

Karmand writes about bribing system in Iran. This blogger says if you are an employee either you get bribe or you keep silence about it. Blogger adds in country everybody...

Bangladesh: Labour issues continue

  25 May 2006

An update on the textile workers strike in Bangladesh, along with a recommended letter to the Bangladesh Ambassador or High Commissioner in your country at imperfect world 2006.

China: Migrant laborer shortage

  25 May 2006

The change of the labor market is one of the subjects China-based blogger-correspondent Fons Tuinstra tracks regularly at China Herald, and a post today looks at a newly-released study which...

Bangladesh: Textile Workers Protest

  23 May 2006

Textile works in Bangladesh are protesting. Drishtipat covers the protest – “And now as I am writing Dhaka, Savar, Tongi and Gazipur are riot-zones. Thousands of ready-made garments workers are...

China: Rights news roundup

  23 May 2006

Celia in her China Activist Weekly news roundup this week looks at Kofi Annan's recent visit to China, the media ban on coverage of the fortieth anniversary of the beginning...

South Africa: COSATU strikes

  19 May 2006

Its The Question That Drives Us Mad comments on the COSATU led strikes in South Africa – Striking for jobs and discusses the role of unions in advancing workers rights.

The Pride of Cambodia: Young Generation

  13 May 2006

A 15-year-old Cambodian girl has recently made news headline, following a gold medal award won by a 16-year-old boy. Among 196 candidates from 36 countries, Mom Charya is the winner...