Stories about Labor from August, 2016
Where’s the Outrage Over Iran’s Exploited Children?
"I dream every night that my parents and brothers and sisters are looking for me. I wake up every morning crying."
A Citizen Journalist in India Took on the Local Government Over Pensions—and Won
"I know how important are a few hundred rupees in an impoverished person’s life. It means food, medicine and security."
Philippine Sugar Farmers Facing Another ’Dead Season’ Turn to Government for Help
Tiempo Muerto, or “The Dead Season,” can be so brutal on farmers that more than a quarter of a million people—a whopping 385,000 sugar workers—are affected on Negros Island alone.
Nicaragua Has a Cervical Cancer Problem. A Coffee Farm Is Trying to Help.
Nicaragua has the highest cervical cancer death rate in the Americas —and women must face down societal pressure even to get treated.
In Nike's Ad About Female Athletes in India, Too Much Glamour, Not Enough Names?
"That Nike Ad shows how little we know about female sportsperson or athletes in this country."