· April, 2010

Stories about Film from April, 2010

Benin: Iyanda's diary in Benin

  30 April 2010

Funmi's diary about her visit and filming experience in Benin: “After all the mystery and hushed tones l had experienced during the research about the holy Aruosa church, l had...

China: New Avatar theme song inspired by forced evictions

  28 April 2010

Avatar director James Cameron admits he found inspiration for the film in China, and Chinese viewers saw a common story from today's China being told in the film. Somewhere in between, mashup artists have now imagined a theme song for Avatar as one might have been sung in Chinese.

Japan: Toilet terror

  15 April 2010

Pink tectacle has a collection of pictures on legendary ghost Hanako-san, a spooky young girl that haunts school restrooms across Japan.