· December, 2006

Stories about Film from December, 2006

The Balkans: Main 2006 Stories

  29 December 2006

Ed of Balkan Baby lists the most important regional stories of 2006: “Slovenia moves towards Eurozone,” “Croatia and Serbia Disappoint at World Cup,” “Croatia Stop-Start its way towards EU,” etc.

China: A Giant Power or Not?

  11 December 2006

China used to be one of the mightiest empires and oldest civilizations in the world in human history, but its modern history, starting from the middle of 19th century, was...

Tanzania: Tanzania's nightmare

  8 December 2006

My Africa Today reviews the documentary, Darwin's Nightmare: “At first, it seems as if he's emphasizing that Europe doesn't provide anything to Africa in return for the food. But he...

India: On kissing and the movies

  7 December 2006

A kiss in a movie between two stars causes quite a row. Jabberwock reflects on kissing and Bollywood. “What the self-appointed morality-keepers are objecting to, dear and earnest HT City,...