· November, 2009

Stories about Film from November, 2009

Brazil: Capoeira on the big screen

  23 November 2009

“It was high time capoeira were represented in the big screen in all its glory”, says Regina Scharf. She talks about a just released movie about the Afro-Brazilian martial art/dance....

India, Pakistan: The Sky Below

  17 November 2009

Kamla Bhatt reviews a documentary of Sarah Singh (New York), The Sky Below, which looks at the partition of the Indian sub-continent in 1947 and “how it impacted the people...

Egypt: Celebrities sans Diplomacy

  13 November 2009

Bikya Masr reported two stories a couple of days apart about celebrity blunders and lack of tact. Beyonce was targeted in the first and Salma Hayek spoke out in the second. Marwa Rahka has the story.

Video: The world commemorates the fall of the Berlin Wall

  9 November 2009

Today is the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, a complex security structure that once divided East and West Berlin in Germany. Today we are showcasing some of the videos from throughout the globe that are being uploaded to commemorate this date and what it meant to barriers not only in Germany, but throughout the world.