Stories about Film from August, 2006
Jamaica: White martyrs, Black savages
Having watched the trailer for a newly released film set in Uganda, Jamaican novelist Marlon James announces that he's sick and tired of “stories of a white man trapped in...
India: Is The World Really Flat? It looks like.
This round-up is a patchwork quilt of blog postings with a global flavor. And flavor is the key word since we end our journey with a culinary post that takes us back to the 15th century which was the start of another globalization era....
Tanzania: Darwin's Nightmare
Bongoland Reflections offers his views on Darwin’s Nightmare, a documentary that has stirred controversy and angered the government of Tanzania for drawing a connection between fish trade and illegal arms...
Boliiva: Film: Lo Más Bonito y Mis Mejores Años
Eduardo Ávila heads to the Latin American film festival in Cochabamba to watchLo Más Bonito y Mis Mejores Años: “By far, this is the best Bolivian movie that I have...
China: Censors vs. video, culture, innovation, humor, pretty much the entire Chinese blogsphere
Late last month a seemingly important stage was reached in the maturation process of China's blogsphere with the launch of, a new website bringing together—a substantial and pertinent alternative...
Kazakhstan: Responding to Borat
Sean Roberts reports that awarenes of Kazakhstan in the United States is much higher than it was a few years ago as a result of Sascha Baron-Cohen's “Borat” character. He...
Nepal: Svankmajer's political allegory on Svankmajer's Lunancy – “Svankmajer appears in the opening scene to present a short monologue: the film, he says, debates the ideology governing the operation of a lunatic asylum—whether...
Malaysia: Making a Good Movie
Yasmin, a Malaysian film maker talks about her ideas on what it takes to make a good film.
Bangladesh Blog Buzz:
What the Bangladeshi blogs are saying:
China: SARFT and farts, castrations feigned and intended: let the spoofing begin!
In a recent edition of MindMeters columnist Fang Jun's Marriagement column entitled Love in the Internet Age [zh] is a spoiler of the recently-released Hollywood movie Hard Candy: 危险的水果硬糖 Dangerous...
India: What are they writing about?
What is India? How do you define it? Tigers, bollywood, masala chai, technology, food, old India and new India, English etc. etc.?
China: community DV shoot
Joel Martinsen in DANWEI reports on a community DV shoot project in Beijing's Tiantongyuan neigbourhood. The 30 minutes film is titled How can I rescue you, my daughter?
Peru: Audio of Film Festival Seminars
Did you miss last week's Festival Elcine in Lima, Peru? Not to worry, the audio from the lectures and seminars have all been released for free on the internet, according...
China and Japan: the Ants
Richard in the Peking Duck introduces a new Japanese movie “the Ants” which explores the topic of WWII war crime with merciless honesty.
Bangladesh: What marriage?
A Bengali in TO on why a recent movie makes one take a second look at the institution of marriage.
This Week In Palestinian Blogs: Summer Rain
August 11th saw another weekly non-violent protest in Bil’in take a wrong turn as the Israeli army attacked protesters with rubber bullets and sound grenades as they marched toward the...
Posts from Peru
Some of the recent political news inspired new posts in Peruvian blogs; here are some of them: Jomra takes a look at Quechua in Congress: a small step for a...
Bangladesh: Movies and landscapes
Dhristipat Group Blog on the changing (or not) landscape of Bangladesh that appeared in a movie fifty years back – “Around the world in 80 days”.
Slovakia: Tensions Over Anti-Hungarian Video
Lemuel of Deleted by Tomorrow writes about a recent Slovak-Hungarian conflict, in which all sides seem to act irrationally.
Serbia: Film Industry Problems
Belgrade Blog writes about subsidizing Serbia's domestic film industry and the frustration with Hollywood's portrayal of Serbs as villains.
Bloggers Opinion of Sanfic Film Festival in Chile
Sanfic is an international film festival in Santiago held from the 8th to the 12th of august. Countries from all over the world participate in the exhibition, such as the...