Japan: Letter to Google about Street View

One year after its debut in the United States, Google's Street View has arrived in Japan, where it is already drawing criticism. Despite the company's generally positive image in this country, bulletin board threads [ja] and blogs [ja] are filled with comments questioning the way Google has rolled out its latest service. In the past few days, the CEO of a major Internet services company has spotted his own wife [ja], others have found images of men urinating outdoors, and others have caught couples entering love hotels [ja] (not to mention birds in full flight). All of this has raised serious privacy concerns [ja].

But as much as reaction has focused in other countries on private information such as license plates and personal identity, in Japan it is as much the less obvious cases of privacy infringement that provoke a reaction: seeing people's clothes out on the line [ja], open windows where robbers could break in [ja], or cars parked in the parking lot [ja].

One blogger, noting the cultural differences between the United States and Japan, realized that there was a need to explain to people at Google in the U.S. what was happening in Japan, and why the company — which generally has a very positive reputation locally — had provoked such strong opposition with Street View. The blogger is IT professional Osamu Higuchi (樋口理) at Higuchi.com, who wrote a post in his blog on August 7th titled “Letter to the people at Google” which starts:

ストリートビューを使ってみて、やはりこれは何か言っておかなくてはいけないような気がしてきたので、書きます。ひょっとして、このサイトがGoogle 八分になって検索空間から消えるようなことがあったら、この記事のことを思い出してください。

As soon as I tried out Google's Street View, I had the feeling that I had to make a comment on it, so I decided to write [this post]. If by some chance this site falls out of favor with Google and disappears from search engine results, please remember what was written here.

最初にことわっておきますが、僕は Google のことが大好きです(みんな大好きだよね)。日本の Infoseek を作るときにゴールとして思い描いていた「世界中の Web に雑然と散らばっている情報と知識を、秩序立てて整理して、だれでも必要な到達できるようにすれば、世の中が大きく変わる」という、僕らは実現できなかった夢を、しっかり会社のビジョンとして掲げて確実に実現している姿を、本当にうらやましく思います。

Now, let me start by saying that I actually really like Google (everybody likes them, no?). While I was involved in the creation of the Japanese Infoseek, I always felt envious of Google, a company that presented, as their vision, a dream that we were never able to attain. This was the dream that “if all the information and knowledge scattered all over the world on the Web could be organized in an orderly way, so that anybody could access it whenever they needed to, then the world would undergo a major change”. This was a dream that Google managed to realize.


But you know what? This Japan Street View, it just feels instinctively completely wrong to me. You can't play innocent and go this far.
I'm sure that the people in the Cerulean Tower [where Google is headquartered in Japan] are feeling the same way, and are also trying to explain to people overseas in an easy-to-understand way what is wrong [with Street View], so please listen. And I would be grateful if you guys, acting as liasons, could properly convince the people over there of how to correctly localize [this service].


I ask for you to consider just one thing.

In the following, Higuchi is addressing the people at Google in the U.S.:


Could you please remove the residential roads of Japan's urban areas from Street View?


Below I list the reasons [why this is necessary].


The residential roads of Japan's urban areas are a part of people's living space, and it is impolite to photograph other people's living spaces


In the United States, and particularly in the case of people living on the west coast, the boundary line between private space and public space, both in terms of actual ownership and in terms of the way people think, is in the boundary line between the public road and privately-held land. In fact, I think that you all will agree that your home's garden, which faces the street, actually feels itself more like a public space, and that not keeping your front yard tidy ruins the look of the community, right?


For people living in urban areas in Japan, though, the situation is quite the opposite. The residential street in front of a house, the so-called “alleyway” (roji/路地), feels more like a part of one's own living space, like a part of the yard. In urban areas in Japan, sweeping the road in front of one's home, sprinkling water over it, shoveling snow off it, these are all considered to be the responsibility of the resident. Wandering around the older parts of the city, you'll see evidence of this way of thinking in the potted plants and little storage rooms crowded out [onto the street].


When we walk along an alleyway like that, we don't stare at and scrutinize the houses along the way. If you look away [from the road] even a little bit, you find someone's living space literally right in front of your nose. It is for this reason, I think, that we have this awareness that peeping at these kinds of places is something that is actually quite rude.


I've heard that when Japanese build houses in America, they do so in the Japanese way and surround their home with a fence, to the displeasure of people living nearby. The way that people in Japanese urban areas think, however, is very different, in the latter case it being people walking on the street, peeping beyond the fence, that draw frowns [from the locals].


Now of course, if you peep through gaps in the fence or hedge, you can peek inside [people's homes]. This kind of act is referred to in Japanese as “kaimami” [stealing a peek], and from back in the days of the “Tale of Genji”, it has always been considered to be in somewhat bad taste. At this time of year, [walking down these streets], your eyes will meet those of old men cooling themselves under the eaves wearing nothing but their underwear. If this person was someone familiar to you from the local bathhouse or something, then in a case like this you might strike up a conversation with them. If this was not the case, however, you would still nod and greet them, but then turn your eyes away and each pretend like you hadn't seen each other. This is the etiquette.


According to the morals of urban area residents in Japan, the assumption that “it is scenery [viewable] from public roads and therefore it must be public” is in fact incorrect. Quite the contrary, [these morals state that] “people walking along public roads must avert their glance from the living spaces right before their eyes”.


In our way of living, you do not unilaterally, and in a machine-readable form, lay open people's living spaces to the whole world


With this culture [of privacy], if you were to walk along a residential street in an urban area of Tokyo, every 10 meters surveying all 360 degrees of your surroundings, there's no question that you would be reported to the police within 30 minutes. Even just filming the scenery from the street with camera in hand, there's no question that if you tried to shoot the area not covered by Street View, you would be asked, after initial questioning, to come to either the Ikegami Police Station or the Den-en-Chofu Police Station.


Japanese people intuitively recognize that a flesh-and-blood human being peeking into people's living space from the alleyway results in trouble, so ordinary people don't do this kind of thing. It is for this reason that residents are comparatively defenseless against [people looking in] from the side of the road and learning everything about their living spaces.


On the other hand, nobody notices when someone peeks — or is peeked at — through Street View, and so it is not reported. This asymmetry gives rise to a different problem.
The capacity for people in Japan — or rather, people across the whole world — to look into the living spaces of defenseless residents, without any risk of being stopped by the police, makes it possible for anyone to carry out a preliminary inspection without any risk of being reported. This kind of inspection can be used for example in searching for houses with a configuration that is easy to break into, or in looking for places along the side of public roads where cars with high resale values are parked.


A person was to do this kind of inspection from the actual street, they would be reported. Maybe it's a bad thing, but we live with a peace of mind in knowing that this is true, and therefore for this sense of security to be unilaterally and abruptly thrown out of order is completely unacceptable, however you look at it.


Before this problem gets more tangled, please make a decision and take action on this based on your own sense of morals


Despite this, however, why is that Japanese newspapers, to a surprising degree, have said nothing about this problem of Street View and privacy? Maybe it is because of Umeda's books [see note], or because of the anti-Microsoft dogma, but there seems to be a sense among these people that “we don't really know, but Google must anyway be an absolute positive”. Whether from the right or from the left, people seem to have completely stopped thinking.

[Note: Mochio Umeda (梅田望夫) is a well-known author of books on IT in Japan. See this translated interview for more information.] (note added August 12, 2008)


But in the near future, there will for sure be a case in which a street prowler or car thief is caught and testifies that they used Street View for preliminary inspection. When that time comes, it is these same people who will suddenly start a campaign triumphantly writing articles [with headlines like] “car thieves preview [crime site] on the Internet”. Before it comes to that, I am hoping dearly that you guys design a service reflecting the common-sense morals of local society.


I repeat, I consider your vision of “arranging the world's information in order to make it possible for people across the world to access it” to be something truly wonderful, and I greatly respect — and am thankful for — the fact that you have managed to realize [this goal].


To have one's own living space exposed to the whole world without ever having been asked about it beforehand, this however really makes me uncomfortable. It ignores our “right [to demand that] you leave us alone”, and comes off as nothing short of “evil”.


My request is thus, given that it will take considerable time before our sense of privacy and awareness of crime-prevention are Americanized to be more like yours, to remove Japanese alleyways [residential streets] from Street View. This will make the Internet ever so slightly less convenient, but for me that is no problem at all.

Thanks to Taku Nakajima for the suggestion to translate this article.


  • Chris_B

    Typical nihonjin-ron whining. I live in one of those back alley neighborhoods in Tokyo for over 10 years now. Since no one ever seems to object to (Japanese) people walking around photographing the houses or unique things in the neighborhood, I dont see how Street View is any different. Its not fair to say that the problem is that the images are on the Web since one can find many similar images browsing through Flikr or on Japanese photography sites. Even if the exact location is easy to find with Street View, many photographs posted to websites already have enough information to identify the area.

  • As much as I can understand this point of view, I would have to say that the social benefit of this project outweighs the ‘perceived’ social ills. As long as taking these photographs is not illegal Google should continue their project to photograph the world. I just spent 30 minutes ‘walking’ around the streets of Tokyo, getting a point of view that would be impossible any other way. Privacy is important, but it is the responsibility of the citizen to ensure they have created a boundary between the outside world and their inner sanctum.

  • Natacha says: “I am always intrigued by “culture deniers,” people who claim that cultural differences aren’t real or are so minimal they should be ignored. For the most part, this sentiment comes from a very Western, egalitarian mindset…”

    Wow, those are some broad, vague claims, unbacked by proof. Very appropriate for the topic at hand. : )

    The issue isn’t the existence of vague, unspecified, aggregate “cultural differences”. The issue is a claim of the existence of an extremely specific one: a special Japanese reaction to Google Streetview. And as with any claim of existence – whether that of leprechauns, alien abductors, a deity, or a specific “cultural difference” – the burden is on the claimant to prove its existence. In this case, the claimant offers no proof. That’s all that some of us are pointing out.

    “While there are many constants across the globe (and being uncomfortable about Streetview may well be one of them!) I would also add that people can arrive to the same conclusion through different paths, in this case object to Streetview for different reasons.”

    Can people do so? I would certainly agree with you that they could!

    But DO they do so in this case? That is, DO “the Japanese” object to Streetview for some special “cultural” reason? We have one guy claiming so, but offering no evidence!

    You can make of that what you will, but any critical thinker would do well to say “sorry, I’m not buying that without proof”.

  • Gc

    Architecture, sight angles, and privacy

    Some differences in privacy can also be explained as differences in sight angles provided by the architecture.

    In older cities in the US in places with high density, people may have more privacy because of architecture: the first floor is not at street level. Usually there are steps up to the first floor (think porch steps, townhouses, or brownstone steps), so if you try to look in the windows of the first floor from the street you see mostly ceiling. (In many suburban neighborhoods with no steps but front yards, the yard slopes downward draining toward the street for the same result.) The only buildings where the first floor is at street level usually those designed to be shops, or in very old historic buildings, or built on a steep slope.

    Traditional alleyway neighborhood houses in Japan are not designed this way; the genkan area where you take off your shoes is level with the outside or just one or two steps above, and the tatami floor may be about the height of a chair seat above this. So when you look in the window from the street you are still close to eye level with someone seated inside and can see clear through the house if the windows are open. In warmer climes where there may be many sliding doors along a porch facing a tiny yard, so you can see the floor from the street as well.

    Maybe the engineers and managers who expanded streetview did not have the problem in their own neighborhoods. Often engineers went to expensive schools and thus most came from richer families who had larger houses set back from the alley, elevated from the street, or lived in upper stories of apartment buildings or over shops.

  • I am Osamu Higuchi, the author of the original blog article. I just wanted to “Thank you” to Chris Salzberg for translating my article. It seems that this translation triggered many creative discussions involving those who cannot read my original Japanese post, which I couldn’t make happen without your great help.
    I also appreciate people who post your comments and opinions here (and there). Actually, it was exactly my intention to let the rest of us notice that there are some Japanese who is not completely happy with Street View, and to ask them if this sounds nuts. So, I am very pleased that all of you are interested in my humble opinion, and gave me (and the rest of the world) your comments on it.
    Frankly, I am kind of swamped by the more far-reaching response from everywhere than I imagined for now, and I don’t have enough time to react to each one of your comments. I’m really sorry about that.

    But I wanted to clarify one point. Tourists aren’t crowding the jails here, and you can safely take a photograph of Japanese homes if you are not doing it in ordinary manner. :-) That was not what I intended to say in the original post. I did not intended to say that Japan is “special” either, I just wanted to say that Japanese life space is in a “different” scale especially when compared with Americans.
    What I wanted to say was that Street View cameras are too close (and too elevated) for typical Japanese allay ways (Thanks to Gc for clarifying it in the comment above), and that I think it is impolite to publish photo shots taken from a viewpoint where you can look down into those semi-open houses without asking to do so.

    Again I really appreciate all these discussion. As a devoted IT industry person, I really wish that Google and other “global” companies would carefully respect cultural diversity.

  • Evan Cameron

    I under stand the issues of going into privet places and taking pictures of peoples living space. But I do want to know how much areas street view can cover in japan and how many city’s can be added. I don’t need an exact number just an estimation of what can be covered in the future. Are there only going to be 3 main areas of japan covered or will there be more. There are some famous landmarks and buildings that I would like to see in street view. Just looking at a photo is ok, but it would be nice to see the land marks and buildings from different views. suchas views in street view.

  • Julian Stoev

    Thanks to Mr. Osamu Higuchi for his posting. But I think that Japanese space will have to adapt in the new situation, not the situation will be adapted to Japan.

    Japan is not the only country in the world with open houses and I think the service provided by Google is too valuable to be cut.

    The claims in some other posts that this service makes crime more easy is absurd. Bu such logic we will have to forbid publishing maps, since criminals may use the maps the get better idea how to escape.

  • Mr Higuchi, I appreciate your taking time to clarify the intent of your open letter.

    Based on your clarification “I just wanted to say that Japanese life space is in a ‘different’ scale especially when compared with American”, might I suggest a change in the letter’s focus?

    This “scale” issue is one of urban population density, not nation per se. The additional privacy issues are going to hold in Beijing, Bangkok, Hong Kong, US inner cities, Mumbai, and so on, just as in Tokyo. Anywhere where Google Streetview gives a good glimpse inside homes’ windows.

    The privacy issue is lessened in more spacious, less dense areas – which includes rural Japan, or any location in Japan where homes are set back further from the street.

    The suggestion that Google should think more carefully about privacy in population-dense areas is a good one, and I think will find many sympathetic ears. Focusing your letter on that real issue, instead of a rather unsupportable focus on special “cultural” issues in one nation, would make it much more effective in my opinion.

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