Stories about Spain from July, 2010
Spain: First Online Galician Newspaper Closes Down
The first monolingual Galician online newspaper Vieiros [gz] has closed down after 15 years because of financial problems. In a melancholy post, Galician reporter McShuíbhne says the loss of language...
Paraguay: Prejudice in International Media During the World Cup
In Paraguay, the 2010 FIFA World Cup evidenced that Paraguayans had to look out for discrimination coming from the least expected source: international mainstream media from Brazil and Spain.
Europe, U.S.A.: Poll on Burqa Ban Shows Opposite Viewpoints
The blog EU-logos about European affairs reflects (fr) on a recent poll by the Pew Research Center that shows a widespread support in European countries for a burqa ban whereas...
Spain: Greenpeace modify logo at BP Headquarters
Wikiciudadania points us towards this video where Greenpeace climbers get to the BP headquarters in Madrid, climb to the top and drop down a banner on top of the BP...