· September, 2012

Stories about Spain from September, 2012

Spain: Creative Alternatives to an Economy in Crisis

  28 September 2012

Since the start of the crisis that continues to embroil Spain's economy, many Spaniards have opted out of that economic model and instead created viable alternatives to their economy in crisis, such as networks for sharing goods and services or new systems and currencies that promote responsible consumption.

Spain: Catalans Continue to Push for Independence

  24 September 2012

Since last Tuesday saw the largest pro-Catalan independence rally in the region's history, pro-independence activists have continued to pressure politicians to match rhetoric with swift action. Read an overview of the week's action here.

Spain: Investment Scheme of the Rich and Famous Makes Headlines

  10 September 2012

Discussion of the SICAV investment scheme reignited this summer in Spain, with the debate focusing on some of the well-known people and companies that take advantage of this fiscal tool in order to avoid paying taxes, such as the sister of King Juan Carlos, Infanta Pilar, and filmmaker Pedro Almodóvar.

Spain: Ecce Homo Cheers Up the Summer

  6 September 2012

Cecilia Giménez, an old parishioner from the Aragonian town of Borja, Spain, decided to restore on her own a damaged painting of an Ecce Homo by the artist Elías García Martínez in the Sanctuary of La Misericordia. However, the restoration ended up in a terrible mess...

Spain: “Merkel Go Home”

  5 September 2012

The Spanish indignant movement has convened a rally tomorrow, September 6, 2012 in front of the European Union headquarters in Madrid due to the meeting between President Mariano Rajoy and...