Stories about Disaster from June, 2016
Political Sniping Follows India's Failure to Win Nuclear Suppliers Group Membership
"Those dissing govt becoz india not part of nsg : this is the reason we not respected : letting politics come in way of standing by nation"
Chile Is Battling an Environmental Crisis Called ‘The Red Tide’
The phenomenon known as the “red tide,” seen across the country has claimed the lives of more than 24 million salmon and hundreds of other marine species.
Israelis React With Outpouring of Support for LGBTQ Community After Orlando Massacre
"It doesn’t matter exactly which religion made him hate us to death...It’s always the fear of those who are different, those who challenge the existing order."
Tons of Fish Are Dying Mysteriously in Vietnam. Whales, Too.
For the past two months, tons of fish have washed up dead on the shores of central Vietnam. Seven dead whales, too.