Stories about Disaster from September, 2013
When There's No Emergency Phone Number, Kenya Tweets For Help
When al-Shabab gunmen attacked Nairobi's Westgate Mall, Philip Ogola of Kenya Red Cross jumped to action – with a tweet.
Humanity Defeated Again in Pakistan, Over 80 Christians Killed
A pair of suicide bombers blew themselves up in a 130-year-old church in Peshawar after a Sunday Mass killing more than 80 people and injuring many.
In The Central African Republic, “We Still Hope to Live Together In Peace”
As the conflict between the rebels of Sékéla and the national army of the Central african Republic rages on, tension mounts in the city of Bossangoa. Locals fear that the...
Tracking Kenyan Social Media During Westgate Mall Attack
Anahi Ayala Iacucci is maintaining a list of prominent social media sources and verified information about the terror attack on Nairobi's Westgate Mall.
Floods in Romania Take Nine Lives, Thousands Evacuated
Torrential downpours caused the water level to rise rapidly on September 12th. Among those who died was an eight-year-old girl swept away from her father's arms.
Tropical Storm ‘Manuel’ Leaves Acapulco Under Water
34 deaths and thousands of victims have been reported; additionally, 40,000 tourists are trapped.
Hail storm Turned Islamabad White
Blue Area, Islamabad right now… #Islamabad — محمد فرحان حامد (@FarhanHamid36) September 15, 2013 On Sunday (15th of September, 2013) morning Islamabad went pitch dark as a hail storm...
Its Getting Hot In Sri Lanka
Blogger sEnEl informs that during recent months Sri Lankans experienced some of the hottest days in their lifetimes. The blogger attributes the reason for the erratic weather to the global...
Thai Airways Blacks Out Logo After Runway Accident
It's standard procedure according to airline officials but it became a PR disaster for the company.
Don't Say Millions Starved During China's Great Famine. Try ‘Nutritional Death’ Instead
A professor recently claimed that previous estimates that 30 million people died during the Great Chinese Famine is rumor. According to him, the difficult period caused 2.5 million "nutritional deaths".
Russia's Far East Beset with Toxic Japanese Cars
Vladivostok, a remote city in the Russian Far East, is notorious for the many used Japanese cars on its roads, which are possibly the worst in the country.
Russian Flooding Snaps Volunteers into Action
Protracted flooding of the Amur River has buried swaths of the Russian-Chinese border under water, affecting more than 100 thousand people in roughly 185 towns.
Putin's Kiss: Redux
Netizens joke about Putin's penchant for public displays of affection.