Stories about Disaster from February, 2007
Ukraine: Chernobyl Posters
Ukraine List posts samples of Chernobyl poster art.
Bolivia: Disaster and Climate Change
Jim Shultz on how Bolivia and Evo are weathering the storm: “You could call it Bolivia's Katrina (though with a far more active national government than the one that so...
The Balkans: Reactions to the ICJ's Verdict
The massacre in Srebrenica was an act of genocide, declares the International Court of Justice. East Ethnia blogged while waiting for the verdict – and then provided an initial reaction...
Lebanon: Academia, Agriculture and Construction
Let us begin this week’s roundup of the Lebanese blogosphere with non–political posts. Let us start from a post about two Lebanese salads that are used as appetizers during meals:...
Bolivia: Floods and Carnival
While rising flood waters threaten the northeast province of Beni, Carlos Gustavo Machicado Salas describes the Carnival celebration in Oruro as one of the best in the world.
Love troubles female blogger; floods, politics and petty jobs worry Malawians
Based in the UK and studying Information Systems, Mercy Gondwe might be the only female Malawian blogger noted so far. While she has not been active she woke up on...
Indonesia: Another Adam Air Mishap
Unspun writes about another accident that involves the private airline Adam Air where one of it's plane was forced to do a hard landing resulting in structural damage. Last month...
Indonesia: Jakarta Flooding
The Java Jive has posted images of from his flood affected neighbourhood in Jakarta. The blogger also describes how he and other Jakarta residents coped with the floods.
Ukraine: Street Children
Scenes from the Sidewalk writes about Ukraine's approximately 200,000 street children: how they become what they are and where they live.
South Korea: fire at immigration detention center
Matt from Gusts Of Popular Feeling blogs the details of the fire accident in Yeosu during the weekend, which killed 9 foreigners (8 were Chinese). He criticised the Ministry of...
Flooding, Pisco, and Free Education
In the last couple weeks there has been flooding and landslides in the beautiful region of Chanchamayo, located in the central jungle of the country. Even though the media have...
Iran:Two Iranian bloggers received Human Rights Watch award
Human Rights Watch announced that Shahram Rafizadeh and Arash Sigarchi are two Iranian bloggers who received the prestigious Hellman/Hammett prize, an award that recognizes writers globally who have been victims...
Indonesia: Delay in Official Relief Efforts
Unspun wonders what kept the trade minister from organising relief for the people affected by the floods in Jakarta. “Four days after the massive floods begin, nearly 200,000 made homeles,...
Indonesia: Floods that Paralysed the Capital and its People
Indonesia again gets international media intention for yet another natural disaster. This time the capital Jakarta has gone through the worst floods in five years. The floods paralysed everything –...
Indonesia: Floods in Jakarta
Unspun in Jakarta posts a message from a local NGO trying to help the people affected by the latest floods in the Indonesian capital. “As I write this the skies...