Stories about Farsi from February, 2011
Iran: A Blogger Who Prayed to See Protesters Beaten
After widespread protests in Iran on February 14, Iranian cyber-activists flooded the internet with videos, photos and tweets from the demonstrations. Meanwhile, a different interpretation of events exists on the internet too. Iranian pro-government Islamist bloggers are also prolific when it comes to sharing their thoughts online.
Iran: More Protests, Another Death (Videos)
Despite large security presence in major traffic intersections, witnesses say protesters have been gathering since early afternoon and continue to swell in Tehran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Marivan and several other cities on Sunday, February 20.
Iran: Whose Martyr is He?
The Iranian pro-regime and opposition forces have each been battling to claim Saleh Jaleh as their martyr. He was killed by gunfire on February 14 when the opposition demonstrated in Tehran and several other cities.
Iran: Jailed blogger Hossein Ronaghi in Danger
Hossein Ronaghi Malki, an Iranian blogger, is serving a 15 year prison sentence, and is confined in the security ward of Evin Prison, deprived of contact with his family or his lawyer. Mojtaba Samienejad, a human rights activist and secretary of the Human Rights House of Iran, told BBC Persian that Ronaghi is in need of urgent surgery and is in critical condition.
Iran: Today's Protests in Videos
Despite a government ban, Iranians demonstrated in several cities today, including Tehran, Shiraz, Isfahan, and Rasht. The Iranian opposition had sought permission to demonstrate in solidarity with the Egyptian and Tunisian people but the Islamic regime ignored the request.
Iran: “Al Jazeera, Please Cover Iran as you did in Egypt”
As Iranian cyber activists flooded into the virtual world to encourage an officially banned mass demonstration on 14 February (25 Bahman) in the name of the Egyptian and Tunisian peoples, a Facebook page has been launched to encourage Al-Jazeera to cover the event.
Iran: Hope, Joy, Envy as Egypt Breaks Free
Iranian bloggers welcomed the departure of Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak today with both joy and envy. It is an amazing coincidence that Mubarak was brought down on exactly the 32th anniversary of the 1979 revolution when the Shah was overthrown.
Iran: Protesting in the name of Egypt and Tunisia
Iranian opposition leaders, Mir Hussein Mousavi and Mehdi Karubi, have applied for permission to stage a rally in support of revolts in Egypt and Tunisia, on 14 February (25 Bahman) their websites said. The news motivated several cyber activists to add their 'green touch' to the internet.