As Iranian cyber activists flooded into the virtual world to encourage an officially banned mass demonstration on 14 February (25 Bahman) in the name of the Egyptian and Tunisian peoples, a Facebook page has been launched to encourage Al Jazeera to cover the event.
There is an image on this Facebook page that says “Al Jazeera please cover Iran as you did in Egypt”. The page has attracted more than 3500 fans so far.
Semohos writes [fa]:
Dictators are like dogs if we run away they will bite us, but if we attack them, they will run away. From Monday we will all attack together until victory.
Afkar Sabz writes [fa]:
Two days until the demonstration, we should go to rooftops and chant Allaho Akbar (God is Great) and encourage our family members and friends to join the demonstration on Monday.
This video on YouTube shows Iranians chanting “Allaho Akbar” in Tajrish, Tehran last night.
Maybe al Jazeera won’t cover the Iranian rioters because they know that the sham green ‘revolution’ in Iran is driven by Washington DC and the CIA.
Well, it’ll only show their incompetence then, “It’s them STATES! It’s them CIA! EL IMPERIO!”.
Of course, it only leads me to think “what regimes are afraid of their people?”
It is my profound hope that the brave people of the Middle East do not trade existing oppressive dictatorships for another, as exemplified by Iran.
I believe the cry for change in the Muslim world by the younger generation is unstoppable. The old Bedouin culture of submission has run its course. Now the fresher and smarter generation can see clearly that embracing democracy doesn’t mean you’re compromising your belief system. Why the Muslim world be last to recognize the rights and freedom for its citizens? And why it took so long to even think about women rights? The answer to these questions is very simple: the dictators had a stranglehold on the rights of the people for centuries, and making people believe it was holy to be submissive and sinful to be democratic. If we understand history, Christianity has gone through similar events long time ago. These changes were called reformation. I believe Islamic world has reached that point now.