Stories about Farsi from September, 2014
Confessions of an Angry Iranian
Iranian Political satirist Kambiz Hosseini on anger, the Islamic Republic and why his therapist made him buy a satellite dish.
Men Convicted in Afghanistan's #Paghman Gang Rape Case Receive Death Sentences
In a powerful display of civic solidarity, Afghan society has finally spoken out against rape crimes. But could it not have done so without demanding the death penalty?
An Election Film Week in Lebanon to Say #NoToExtension of Parliament Term
What better than the seventh art to mobilize? In another effort to push for Elections in Lebanon and prevent an extension of the Parliamentary term #NoToExtension, Lebanese NGO Nahwa Al Muwatiniya (meaning...
Afghanistan's Ice Bucket Challengers Ask Presidential Rivals to ‘Be Cool!’
With tensions between supporters of presidential candidates Ashraf Ghani and Abdullah Abdullah threatening to boil over, a group of young Afghans are dumping ice on troubled water.