Stories about Farsi from December, 2011
Iran: ‘Pure comments campaign’
Iranian officials are going to launch a “pure comments campaign” against blasphemy and pornography. Khoshnevis says [Fa] that 1000 individuals have been recruited to put comments on “dirty websites and...
Iran: Unpaid Worker Throws Shoe at President Ahmadinejad
Several Iranian bloggers reacted with irony to the news that Mahmoud Ahamadinejad, Iran's president, became a target of an angry shoe thrower, during a speech in the northern city, Sari on December 12, 2011.
Iran: Where Is My Classmate?
Several empty chairs in Iran's universities were formerly occupied by students who have now vanished or been expelled. This year Tahkim Vahdat, a leading student protest group, called for an “Empty Seat Campaign” on December 7 to remember the victims of religious and government repression in universities.
Iran: A famous pilot talks against sanctions
Captain Hooshang Shahbazi, Iranian pilot who got famous after he successfully landed his Boeing 727 without the nose gear in mid October 2011, has launched a campaign [Fa] in his...
Iran: ‘Ready to hack US virtual embassy’
Haji Digital, a pro-government online user in Iran, says in Friendfeed [Fa]: “We are ready to take over the US virtual embassy in Iran and completely hack it”.
Iran: US virtual embassy blocked
Nima Akbarpour, Iranian blogger and IT journalist, says [Fa] that Iranian authorities have blocked US virtual embassy website, hours after its launch. He says that was predictable.
Iran: 4 hours instead of ‘444 days’
Robab who objects the raid on UK compounds in Tehran, says [Fa]: “Thanks God that they got satisfied with 4 hours of taking UK hostages, and it didn't reach 444...