Michael Jackson ‘Converts’ to Islam

The King of Pop Michael Jackson has done it again and stories about his alleged conversion to Islam are keeping blogs in the Middle East abuzz with snark comments. Is Jackson's conversion a part of an American conspiracy “to destroy Islam from within,” is it a media stunt or has he finally found his true calling?

The Skeptic from Egypt remarks:

London’s Sun and the slightly more reputable Telegraph report that Michael Jackson has converted to Islam. Both papers run photos of Jackson out and about in Bahrain, dressed in drag.

I think Run CMD said it best over email: “It’s obviously all part of a devious American plan to destroy Islam from within. Michael Jackson is working for Dick Cheney. It all makes sense now.”

From Kuwait, Loft965 notes:

According to this article, Michael Jackson has been converted. These rumors have been circulating for ages now, but this one seems to be true as all the news agencies are talking of it. It started with Jermaine Jackson and then the Bahrain residence and now his name is Mikaeel. I don’t understand why you have to change your name if you convert. It’s not mandatory. And he has the world’s most recognized name. I don’t know what to think of this but he sure looks good in a burqa (a veil which covers the face).

Some Contrast, another Kuwait blogger, also tackles the topic.

And Palestinian-American blog Kabobfest, writes about Jackson's alleged conversion and his court case with a Bahraini prince, Shaikh Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa, the Bahraini King's son who is suing the King of Pop for $7 million. News is just out that the case has been settled out of court.

In this post, Kalash says:

You may have heard about the latest lawsuit facing Michael Jackson – a Bahraini prince paid him millions of dollars for an album and book that were never produced. What you probably didn't know is that Jacko has an ace up his sleeve…

The King of Pop converted to Islam. I've been hearing rumors ever since he started spending so much time in the Middle East, but the detail in the most recent report leaves little room for doubt. He even changed his name to Mikaeel. I guess he wasn't feeling those Jehovah's Witnesses anymore.

Jordanian blogger Kinzi responds to the post saying:

I almost blogged about this, thought it is better not coming from me.
Mabruk (Congratulations), Ummah of Islam. What a prize. Um, good luck, whoever his handler will be. Piece of work, indeed.

But American Muslim Girl adds:

you know what… I feel sorry for him and definitely he might have some, uh, issues and stuff, but…
I don't know… I wouldnt turn anyone away, especially not someone with a huge mic and many “followers.”

Closer to the action, from Bahrain, which Jackson stayed for a year and where a member of the Royal family is at the centre of the court case which has thrust back the 50-year-old pop star to the front pages of newspapers, Esra'a from Mideast Youth runs the headline: Islam wins: Michael Jackson converts.

She further adds:

This one-gloved thriller star is being sued by a local prince here for going against some “contract” and not recording songs about peace or something. Not that anyone cares what he does. But sometimes I do, because I grew up obsessing with him. Then I wasn’t sure if he was white or black or if it was “forbidden” for me to practically worship because he turned into plastic. Or a woman.

He’s apparently now converting to Islam. I am still in the “not caring” category.

Esra'a also digs up a two-year old sarcastic letter she penned two years ago, in which a fictional Jackson addresses the world. In the letter, Esra'a writes:

I’m afraid I’m legally banned from going near any playground since this whole unfortunate misunderstanding with my trousers. That story has gotten a lot of attention from the media. Speaking of the overzealous media, I don’t know why I’m surrounded with cameras all the time. I’m sure the boys and girls of Bahrain don’t want a succession of blurry photos showing me thrashing around my bedroom with a framed picture of their King.

I started wearing an abaya (black cloak women in Bahrain wear).

Our last stop is with Israelicool, from Israel, who notes:

Islam has a new, wacky recruit […] Mikaeel? Sounds more like he has converted to Russian mob boss.

But if it turns out that Jackson did convert to Islam, I wonder if he will adapt some of his old songs to conform with his new beliefs. I am guessing Beat It may be a prime contender.

Commenting on this post, TechyNews notes:

Oh no poor Islam, I am sure they didn't want Wacko Jacko to join their ranks. Also was this just his excuse to wear a Burka instead of the hospital mask to cover his face? Silly Jacko, Burkas are for Chicks.


  • Albert

    Daily News wrote an article today about the agreement between Michael Jackson and that prince and in the article this part was also included. I quote :

    “Jackson’s New York lawyer, Londell McMillan, took the opportunity to trash a British press report that Jackson has become a Muslim. “That’s rubbish. It’s completely untrue,” McMillan told reporters.”

  • What is it that produced ‘wacko jacko’? It WAS the Jehovah’s Witnesses cult,putting him on their end of the world apocalyptic Armageddon guilt trips.

    The Jehovahs have screwed up a lot of people,I hope the same doesn’t happen to beloved Prince who is also in the JW cult.

  • Serkan

    Listen to all the haters…

    So what, good on you Mr Jackson. All the people that have listened to your music for years and loved every word now post comments like this and turn their back on you. I hope Mr Jackson finds the peace he is looking for. To the lamen; stop reading jewish news people and open your eyes.

    I wonder who is next…Mr Obama maybe, oh wait a minute, he might already be one….Islam will be making a come back, but this time it will be through the proper channels…

  • Will

    I’m sure you are aware that this is all bogus*.
    Just like every other rumors in MJ’s life.. you’re posting false junk.
    Jacksons Spokesperson has already addressed to everyone that this information is FALSE*

  • Samir Ibn Khalid

    Islam will not turn anyone away. If he is LUCKY and SMAERT enough to understand what he got in his hand then we will see in the future. Hope he knows he got the WHOLE WORLD when he takes Islam (= God’s Guidance). The question is will he be aware?
    Why ppl call this “prize”? Islam does NOT belong to any human. It belongs to GOD (i.e. Allah= Arabic word for God). Ask any Muslim who pray FIVE times a day & they will tell the change in their NT (neurotransmitters) into hyped intellect and peaceful character. All Muslims – Alhamdulillah, Subhanallah Kulla Haga. SALAAM=PEACE.

  • John

    I am student in a Catholic school and we were told by our teacher about the dominance of Islam in future. As predicted by our teacher the future language will be Mandarin and religion would be Islam.

  • Birya

    Whether M.J. has converted to islam in reality or in writing through the media the world is yet to witness the truth of the dominance of islam. Allah has spoken thus:
    “We (Allah) will show them (the doubtful ones) our signs in the horizons and among themselves untill it becomes clear that islam is the religion of truth”
    Michael Jackson could have seen something within himself that ‘prompted’ him to become a muslim, if has converted in reality. There is so much the world will come to know untill all roads lead to ISLAM – the religion of all times!

  • Shamir

    My view is Micheal Jackson finally found the correct way..
    I think he will be good Muslim and many of the people around the world will take is incident as a advise & think about converting to Islam

  • I don’t know if this is a rumor or not, but I know that it is good news that he is rethinking his personal life. I do wonder though that this could be due to his lawsuit with the Sheikh. However, Islam is a peaceful religion and he may find peace in it.

  • bashir

    well, being michael jackson a muslim may be true or a mere bogus, bt why dont he show himself as a muslim if it is true or else deny it in person if otherwise?

    without any of the, am neutral on the issue.

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